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What Are You Doing for Lent?

On Hope Lenten Read-Along - book by Pope Francis, pictured

Ash Wednesday is March 5, 2025, so today we’re highlighting just a few of the many Ignatian-inspired features designed to help you observe Lent.

On Hope Lenten Read-Along

Plan now to join a special Lenten read-along with Loyola Press. In honor of the Jubilee Year theme of “Pilgrims of Hope,” we’ll be reading On Hope by Pope Francis at a relaxed pace that will give us time to savor what we read during the weeks of Lent.

How to Participate

  1. Purchase your copy of On Hopeonly $9 with promo code 9399.*
  2. Download the read-along schedule.
  3. Post your thoughts, favorite quotes, or reactions with #lentreadalong and #jubilee2025 on social media.

The Loyola Press read-along begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and runs through Holy Week, April 13 through April 19, 2025.

On Fridays during Lent, visit IgnatianSpirituality.com for special content related to our read-along, including opportunities to discuss sections of the book with other readers.

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure

Join in an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises, perfectly timed as a Lent and Easter retreat. This year, Lisa Kelly, author of The Spiritual Path, will share her experiences with the retreat through posts on Wednesdays. The retreat begins on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday (March 2) and concludes the week after Easter.

Living Lent Daily

Explore how we can be Pilgrims Through Lent in our daily e-mail series for the Jubilee Year 2025. We’ll meet saints of pilgrimage as examples of faith and be heartened in our ongoing pilgrimage through reflections by Loyola Press authors and bloggers. Subscribe to receive these messages.

Subscribe to dotMagis to receive Lisa Kelly’s Ignatian Prayer Adventure reflections and the On Hope read-along extras each week. You’ll also get notice of a Lenten webinar coming in March.

* Use promo code 9399 when ordering at store.loyolapress.com or by phone at 800-621-1008. Shipping and handling are additional. Cannot be combined with other offers. U.S. domestic orders only. Promo code can be applied to both English and Spanish editions of On Hope. Offer expires April 19, 2025. The eBook versions of On Hope and Sobre la esperanza are available through major eBook retailers.


  1. ps just so you know: i love the three minute retreats. somedays that is all my brain can tolerate in peace. thank you.
    for the past decade for lent , i have created a new mode of operation. for some reason, most of my 3/4 century, lent was known by me to give up something, ie candy or what not. then, i decided i really have very little that i minded giving up. which meant doing the reverse. now. lent means the time taken to clean every corner of my apartment. 5 areas/ one per week, but this room, i class as the dangerous warroom, or work room requires 2 weeks minimum and has taken me to tears, appropriately during holy week. but the time spent, is also spent in intensive personal prayer time, alone, with myself and my god, privately and not to any kind of pride display or need to show off progress. for me this has been my lenten work, on the house, on me, on my soul state. for now, this works as it also cleans me. many blessings and thank you.


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