HomeRetreatsWriter’s Retreat with Vinita Hampton Wright

Writer’s Retreat with Vinita Hampton Wright

Front entrance of Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House, Barrington, IL. Used with permission.

Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House near Chicago hosts Ignatian silent retreats throughout the year that invite people to quiet time with God. Their website explains, “If you are not accustomed to being silent on a retreat, we guarantee that you will find it restful, refreshing, and very easy to do! While silence in your retreat at Bellarmine involves not talking to each other, it is more than that. It means quieting yourself on the outside and the inside so that you can be totally present to God.”

Vinita Hampton WrightOne upcoming retreat at Bellarmine is especially for writers and is being led by Vinita Hampton Wright, whose books and blog posts have inspired many readers. A retired Loyola Press editor and the author of The Art of Spiritual Writing, Vinita will provide a safe space for soul writing and practical help for putting words and ideas together. She says the retreat “will benefit anyone who is writing, professional or not. Each person will work with their specific skill set, life experience, and inspiration.”

The process of writing can help us engage with the unfolding of our spiritual life. Grab your journal, and join Vinita for this four-day retreat, October 3–6, 2024.

“Prompts will be provided, but [retreatants] are encouraged to bring works already in progress. We will be covering aspects of writing that will apply to various kinds of projects in various stages of development,” Vinita says. But the retreat isn’t only for experienced writers. Vinita explains, “Any level of writing experience or skill is welcome. There will be no grading or public critique. Each person can engage as deeply as they desire.”

Learn more and register at Bellarmine’s website. If the October retreat with Vinita isn’t one the Spirit is calling you to, browse the other opportunities for weekend retreats and days of reflection.

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  1. The Writer’s Retreat with Vinita Hampton Wright sounds like an amazing experience. I believe I would benefit from it as a professional in a non-writing position who loves to write and needs more time and space to do so. However, this weekend does not work for me.
    Just wondering, do you know if the opportunity will be offered again, and if so, when? Are there other writing retreats currently scheduled?
    Thank you very much,
    Ginny Hayes


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