HomedotMagisReflectionsWondering About Mary

Wondering About Mary

icon of Mary with her hand in posture of invitation - leoaleks/iStock/Getty Images

While revisiting photos from a recent family reunion, I thought about the Mother of God. She had no baby pictures of Jesus, no camera, nor any digital images. No wonder she had to ponder so much in her heart!

God knew that Jesus and Mary would write no journals, and we would be left to our imaginations when building a relationship with the Holy Family.

I love talking about my four children, so I imagine that Mary would too. She might share about her adventures with Jesus, both when he was young and after she traveled with him during his public ministry. I love retelling stories of funny moments; maybe she did too.

I can imagine that, even while Jesus was alive, Mary loved reminiscing with extended family as the caravan traveled home from the temple, just as I retell stories from our family reunion. I extrapolate that she bid goodbye to a relative who took a fork in the road to get home, and Mary promised to update her again “next year in Jerusalem.”

In subsequent years, how many times did she retell the story of Jesus alone three days in Jerusalem?

“Oh, I can laugh about it now,” Mary might say, “but back then I was horrified that I’d lost sight of the child God entrusted to me! I didn’t realize what would be involved in parenting when I said ‘yes’ to the angel. Talk about blind trust!” Maybe she laughed then. I recognize that I, too, had no idea what my “yes” to God would involve. Our colloquies are personal and honest.

Each of us imagines Mary differently when we hold conversations with her. I noticed this when I watched the recent movie, Mary. The filmmakers’ imaginative portrayal varied widely from the woman to whom I talk.

I see her rocking Jesus long after he fell asleep, because he was such a marvel, and his face expressed pure freedom as he slept. I think this when I hold our five-month-old grandson. I imagine Mary clipped a lock of Jesus’ baby hair and saved it in a scrap of swaddling clothing after he grew into a toddler.

I’m sure Mary was brave, eager to help others (She ran off to help Elizabeth, didn’t she?), and surrounded by loving women in Nazareth, who could teach her the basics of childcare and parenting in the first century. How did she potty train Jesus? I celebrated this growth step with my children. I know that Jesus was fully human and fully divine. Mary washed skinned knees, comforted a sad little boy, prepared meals that Jesus didn’t like, taught him prayers, and listened to his relationship woes.

Sometimes I go to Mary through a colloquy, because I’m having trouble framing what I want to say to Jesus and his dad. My loving relationship with my biological mother helps me imagine leaning my head against Mary’s comfortable bosom and talking things out with her.

I wonder if Mary was extroverted, like me, and loved long conversations. Just because Scripture leaves her mostly speechless doesn’t mean that she was shy, subservient, or any different from me as a mother. Well, except for the Mother of God part.

Our lived experiences and relationships color what we imagine during Gospel contemplation. And God knew this would be the case. I thank God for inviting me to have a personal friendship with Mary.

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Loretta Pehanich
Loretta Pehanich
Loretta Pehanich is a Catholic freelance writer and the author of Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends, 2022: A Book of Grace-Filled Days, Women in Conversation: Stand Up!, and Fleeting Moments: Praying When You Are Too Busy. A spiritual director since 2012, Loretta is trained in giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Her involvement in ministry and parish life includes 20 years in small faith-sharing groups and Christian Life Community. Loretta gives retreats and presentations on prayer and women’s spirituality and is commissioned as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist. She and her husband Steve have four children and 11 grandchildren.


  1. Thanks Loretta. Indeed Mary must have been an inspiring mother to the young and upcoming Jesus. She remains a model mother to mothers for all times.

  2. Maria Santíssima!
    Minha Mãe e Rainha!!!
    Rainha do céu e da terra.
    Rainha e Mãe de Jesus-Deus!!!!
    Nossa Senhora, Mãe de todos nós, olha por nós pecadores agora, e na hora de nossa morte Amém.

  3. Great reflection Loretta! I’ve recently developed a connection with Mary that this posting re-affirms. The concept that she had no baby pictures of baby Jesus or cousin Elizabeth really caught my attention. We take such things for granted. I bet people long ago had better memories than we do now a days.

  4. I loved how you wrote about Mary.
    Here is the poem I rote about her, called
    At the kitchen window, watching the sky,
    darkening now, with night drawing nigh,
    I saw two stars – one large, twinkling, bright.
    and a smaller one, sitting below, just in sight,
    like a guardian, I thought – an attendant star…

    In this earthly world of ours,
    there are so many attendant stars:
    A child, cheering a sad mother;
    A friend, companion, in step with another;
    A neighbour, checking the neighbour next door.
    “Need anything? That’s what I’m here for.”
    A mother, comforting a crying child;
    Water, reviving one in the wild;
    A brother, ‘He ain’t heavy’, there to help;
    A guide dog, saving its blind owner – yelp!

    And Mary, the mother, comforter, friend,
    brave, near the Cross, for her Son’s mortal end.
    To Mary goes the accolade: she is by far
    the greatest, brightest Attendant Star.

    • This morning while I was praying, I was distracted by the thought: did Mary have a mother-in-law? Tradition tells us that Joseph was old, but maybe his mother was still alive? Was this grandmother part of Jesus‘s life?

  5. I often neglect to speak with Mary in my heart. She has so much love for her Son and for me, why would I put this relationship aside? Mary is my mother,too, with so much wisdom and knowledge, comfort in times of trial, to share with me. Thank you, Loretta, for reminding me of the special relationship we can all have with Mary.

  6. Loved the beautiful imagery woven together of the possible day to day raising of baby Jesus! Perfect mother to a perfect child in literal terms. We can only try to strive to be as grateful in our day to day endeavors.


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Loretta Pehanich
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