HomeIgnatian PrayerWhen St. Ignatius and John Legend Mash-up

When St. Ignatius and John Legend Mash-up

St. Ignatius Loyola and John Legend

For the last week, I’ve had a mash-up of St. Ignatius and R&B singer John Legend stuck in my ear. The Suscipe— “Whatsoever I have or hold, you have given me. I give it all back to you.”—fades into the spare percussive chords of Legend’s “All of Me”: “I’ll give my all to you. You’re my end and my beginning. Even when I lose I’m winning,” and finally winds back to Ignatius and John singing “I give you all of me” in two-part harmony. At odd moments, I find myself humming Legend’s melody or murmuring, “I give it all back to you,” under my breath.

I’m having no trouble decoding my subconscious’s soundtrack. The last two weeks have been all about surrendering what was once entrusted to me, once held within me.

Last Tuesday, I watched my oldest son, Mike, walk to the bus, towing his two carefully weighed duffels behind him. Only a half-block away, his form was already blurred by Philadelphia’s humidity, or perhaps it was my tears. He was off, by bus and train and plane, to Ireland to study at the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin. (I was grateful, at least, that he didn’t have to cram the name into the bag with his Greek books and bed sheets.) And on Sunday, I sat with my husband on a wall outside a dorm in California, as our youngest firmly and gently said good-bye to us. I return it all to you, O Lord.For many years I’ve begun work with a cup of tea and the Suscipe, offering all I have been given, begging for the grace necessary to the tasks at hand. Then with a brisk “Amen,” I set aside tea cup and prayer and dive into the day. Alas, all too often, 30 minutes later finds my e-mail open and the phone ringing, and me, oblivious to the support both caffeine and grace are offering.

But as this semester starts, bringing it with it the usual stream of small crises—students with scheduling travails, cranky classroom technology, photocopiers that groan under the weight of syllabi—my persistent Ignatian soundtrack keeps me awake to the countless tiny invitations I have to return to God what I have been given in the course of each day, and the myriad ways in which God’s grace billows up in response to each small surrender. In letting go of the big things, I’m learning anew to be alert to the small graces. Even when I lose, I’m winning.

John Legend image by PopTech/Kris Krüg under (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Michelle Francl-Donnay
Michelle Francl-Donnayhttp://quantumtheology.blogspot.com/
Michelle Francl-Donnay is the mother of two 20-something sons, a professor of chemistry, an adjunct scholar at the Vatican Observatory, and a regular contributor to Philadelphia Archdiocese’s CatholicPhilly.com, where she writes about the joys and struggles of trying to live a contemplative life in the midst of everyday chaos. Michelle blogs at Quantum Theology.


  1. I thought it was hard when I had to let my children go once they grew up. I lost my son, 36 years, to a diving accident at work 4 months ago. Now THAT is letting go with a vengeance. I’m still reeling. And to tell the truth even my relationship with God has changed, I know He’s the only One who can help me through this, but I still don’t feel as free and easy with Him as I did before it happened, a sort of resistance. I really don’t know how to explain it…..

  2. The first time I heard All of Me, I immediately thought it would be great to use as a theme for a youth group session. Your essay on its parallel to the prayer of St. Ignatius provides a great resource – Thank You!

  3. Thanks for this! There are more love songs that inspire great mashups, if we could all be blessed with such passion towards God as with these artists’ paramours:
    I’m fond of this one: “I’m gonna Be” by Sleeping At Last: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muLfJWOfqGQ. (It’s actually a lovely cover of an unpleasant 80’s tune)
    It came on the radio after a trip to Oshkosh.
    Consider Stevie Wonder and Emeli Sande too.

  4. I also begin my day with the Suscipe and it never loses its power to make me really think as I pray those words. It requires total surrender and God knows that is my intention but God also knows that, more often than not, I’m really not ready to give up everything – but little by little I have noticed detachment and surrender are increasingly a part of my life. It is only possible with the love and grace and mercy of our Lord. Michelle, thank you for this inspiring post.


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