Carol Voss: The freedom to explore and stretch the talents I have been given all AMDG, the knowledge that something is NOT just my imagination, it is the stirring of the spirits, and the sheer joy of detachment from all things unless they point me to His will.
Mary Sutton: Removing my focus on life and all its problems, and raising my eyes and focusing on God. When I do this, I can experience God’s love for me, and from this love, I can better accept the person who I am, a child of God, much loved by Him.
Antonio Matta: Finding God in all things.
Marion Chatterley: To look for that which is life-giving and actively choose to invest energy in that direction.
Ruth Wibisono: That God is trying to communicate with us through everything around us. So Finding God in all things really is just a response to God’s initiative to communicate with us in the first place.
Mike Romeu: Discernment, detachment, the Examen, finding God everywhere/all the time (not easy!), the beloved sinner, I am loved by Him.
Jay Kronenberg: Finding God in all things, the good and the “bad,” is what has particularly touched me about this approach to spirituality.
Su Scipe: The Exercises.
Anna Lyn Salva Saludes-Aguilar: Ignatian indifference…