HomeIgnatian PrayerWhat Do You Especially Like about Ignatian Spirituality?

What Do You Especially Like about Ignatian Spirituality?

Smarla Angtuaco, a recent graduate of Anteneo de Manila University has had enough of pet peeves.  In two blog posts, she lists her “15 Pet Perks of Ignatian Spirituality.” Part 1 is here; part 2 is here.  Smarla’s list is a very personal and contains some surprising items.

Which leads me to ask, “what aspects of Ignatian spirituality have meant something special for you?”  Leave your answer in the comments.

Here’s one from Smarla Angtuaco:

14. Making tough decisions and examining suffering.

One of the most essential things I’ve learned from Ignatian spirituality is being able to discern between good pain and bad pain. It has allowed me to see how God uses certain kinds of suffering to help us grow into even better persons. At the same time, praying everyday also allows us to decipher and avoid pain that will only break us down.

With the guidance of my spiritual director, I continued in my first job even though it was causing me much distress. This was because I could see there were still a lot of areas of growth for me. This provided me an opportunity to increase my adversity quotient. However, when it started becoming a bad pain, I discerned that I had to resign and move to a new job that would allow me to flourish spiritually. It wasn’t an easy decision to make but discernment helped me in making a final decision. I was able to filter through all my emotions and my own ego to hear His voice and choose the path that will lead me closer to Him.

Jim Manney
Jim Manneyhttps://www.jimmanneybooks.com/
Jim Manney is the author of highly praised popular books on Ignatian spirituality, including A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (about the Daily Examen) and God Finds Us (about the Spiritual Exercises). He is the compiler/editor of An Ignatian Book of Days. His latest book is What Matters Most and Why. He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


  1. Hi I’m Smarla and I found this through google alerts. 🙂 thank you so much for posting it here. I feel really blessed that I have been exposed to Ignatian Spirituality through the Christian Life Community 🙂

  2. hie, i am a devoted follower of this site – been reading it since early this year. when i think of Ignatian spirituality, i think of my own faith journey which started in pre-u days with reading spiritual books and then going on an Ignatian retreat.
    but really, what strikes me and touches me the most is the fact that this spirituality emphasises that God is to be found in all things, including my restless wild feelings which often made me feel that my heart could never be trusted and I was inherently weak because I was overemotional. Praying the examen has let God enter my emotional universe and show me areas of sin and how to deal with my feelings – it has made Him so close, so real to me.


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