HomeRetreatsWake Up and Love

Wake Up and Love

smooth stone with fish symbol on beach - Julie Hagan/Shutterstock.com

This past summer on my annual retreat, I entered the time of retreat uncertain as to what I wanted from God. Of course, I always desire to grow closer to Christ and to be renewed for the year ahead. I hope for the consolations that can come with a retreat. But as the retreat went on, I did not know what I wanted in a deeper kind of way. Ignatian spirituality often works from our deepest desires, as well as reflection on those desires and how best to use them to give back. But what if one is not sure of what one wants? At other retreats, I’ve entered with a clearer set of specific desires, such as healing from the grief of a parent’s death or finding clarity about work priorities. This time, it felt completely open-ended.

What helped me to go deeper into the retreat space was praying about discovering my own desires anew. Jesus asked me, “What do you want?” I replied, “I don’t know. Help me to discover.” In my imaginative prayer, Jesus handed me a smooth, oval, gray stone. On both sides of the stone, there were words. One side said, “Wake up.” The other side said, “Love.” Wake up and love? That sounded perfect as a way to articulate the deeper longings in my heart. Receiving this stone felt like puzzle pieces coming together, and I felt the “rightness” of the message.

On the days afterwards, that “Wake up” message led me to try to be attentive to where God was in the beauty of the nature at the retreat center and to awaken to a palpable sense of God’s presence within myself as well. I find that there is always deeper to go in where and how we can experience God’s presence deep within ourselves and outside us in the world. Although sometimes those experiences can be big moments, I find that as I grow older, I appreciate the ways that God is present in small moments and little graces. The beauty of a fern that I walked by one retreat afternoon stays with me, for example. Ferns are humble plants that do not flower but have a quiet kind of glory to them in their beautiful green, unfurling fronds. They are hardy and grow well in the shade. Prayer, too, can sometimes be like a big, showy flower or quieter and humbler, like a shade plant. God is in both. But am I awake to both kinds?

The other side of the stone, “Love,” reminded me how much I desire to love well and to be loved. Perhaps God was simply letting me know that retreat was a time to experience God’s love and to recollect the many instances of love I’ve known over the decades from other people, to restore and renew me so that I can also give love. Waking up and loving go together, I think. When we really wake up and see the goodness in who others are, the good in who we ourselves are, and the goodness of creation, this re-awakening also wakes up our love.

Ignatian spirituality reminds us to seek God in all things. It’s been months since my annual retreat, but I return to the message on that stone as a reminder to keep practicing the same in the day-to-day of work and home life: be attentive, be wakeful, and seek to love in ordinary, everyday ways.

Marina Berzins McCoy
Marina Berzins McCoy
Marina Berzins McCoy is a professor at Boston College, where she teaches philosophy and in the BC PULSE service-learning program. She is the author of The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness and Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Ancient Greek Philosophy. She and her husband are the parents to two young adults and live in the Boston area.


  1. Thanks Marina for these beautiful thoughts and reflections. Finding God in all things and in all places – truly an Ignatian way of proceeding. Saint Ignatius of Loyola – Pray for us.

  2. Daily Consolations(Grace) and Desolation (Not Knowing what I want in the moment)
    The Mystery of Awakening
    Each Day
    The familiar
    The unknown

    Consoled and yet always not knowing
    How much to do?
    How much to give of myself

    The feeling of consolation
    Often overwhelming
    Inspires inadequacy
    Or not knowing
    What the outcome is

    Perhaps it is
    in the tension
    Of believing I should know the outcome
    Or is it?
    That I should listen to
    What You are saying

    Reading Mark this morning
    The story of the dying daughter
    And woman in the crowd
    Stories of innocence and a parent’s fear
    and belief
    And a woman’s humility
    and belief

    How many stories of such miracles
    Do I need to read in order to
    Understand the gift of God’s Voice
    In me this day

    In the little world I now inhabit
    How do I shine a light
    When control is omnipresent?

    Where do I find the Joy
    And Freedom
    To give and receive love?

    I will listen for Your Voice
    This day.

    Thank you Marina for reminding
    Me of God’s central tenant.


  3. A lovely read. I wish that someone would write something for the really old, disabled people that are almost friendless and no family and can only attend Mass on-line. Have been through all the hard years of family raising, working and dong GOOD WORKS for years and now feel useless and alone.Lock-downs mean nothing to them ;as they rarely get out anyway.Praying is a constant pastime yet feeling and having all things going wrong; scams an etc and once being a very practical, highly trained person able to cope with everything; now useless! There are hundreds of them around(maybe thousands). A.M.D.G.


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