HomeRetreatsWaiting for the Spirit Online Retreat Day Three

Waiting for the Spirit Online Retreat Day Three

Waiting for the Spirit: Ascension to Pentecost Retreat - text next to image of disciples at Pentecost

Welcome to Day Three of Waiting for the Spirit! Our online retreat is enriched by your presence. Feel free to post your reflections in the comments area below each day’s content as we encourage one another in prayer.

The Grace I Seek

I pray for the grace to recognize the Holy Spirit’s presence in my life.

Come, Holy Spirit Prayer


Read today’s Scripture readings: May 24, 2020, the Ascension of the Lord or the Seventh Sunday of Easter.

Shemaiah Gonzalez reflects on John Singleton Copley’s artwork, The Ascension.

For Further Reflection

“Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky?” —Acts 1:11

This has got to be one of my favorite moments from the entire Bible. It’s a simple, direct question that I probably need to post in a visible place so I see it every single day, several times a day. Hey, you! Why are you standing around wondering what to do? Jesus is risen; Jesus has given you a mission; Jesus may seem as if he is gone, but he isn’t. He’s dwelling here with you right now, empowering you to love, give, and serve. Get moving!

—Amy Welborn, in 2020: A Book of Grace-Filled Days

Take some time to ponder the message that God shares with you today through the Scripture readings and reflections. When you are ready, proceed to the closing prayer.

Closing Prayer

Rebecca Ruiz leads us in prayer.


  1. I am following this retreat at a time different from the recommended. I believe that Christ has drawn me to this retreat to enlighten me and give me the boost that I need to keep going. I am on day 3 of the retreat and today’s message and prayer are very thought provoking for me. I give thanks and praise to God.

  2. I think I would be one of the apostles kneeling and crying…but then would remember that the Holy Spirit was coming to us and even though we would not really know what that meant, we would be consoled and heartened.

  3. I did not look at yesterday’s reflection until today, but I was thinking of an experience I had yesterday. After some rain that fell on the Chicago area, I was going out to my car, walking down my driveway and as I looked up at the sky there was a tremendous cloud in the east. It was outstanding, reminding me of clouds that you might find over the ocean. When I looked my first thought was the Ascension, was it a cloud so beautiful that took Jesus to heaven. After looking at this cloud and reflecting on the Ascension, I had a feeling of peacefulness, that what we are going through as a nation and world, we will come out of it okay. Transformed and better.

  4. The Ascensionnof Jesus is one of the most beautiful sightings of our faith.how it proves to us that Jesus is here and in heaven who always listen to our needs especially nowadays when we ate not sure of what our future will be.The only thing I know and I believe that whatever happens to us Jesus will be there and always around us with the holy spirit taking care of us.Thanks for everything you are giving to me and my family and friends. We are so thankful and grateful of your presence in our life

  5. I am just so grateful for this opportunity to listen to the words of God with others. People’s stories are so inspiring. May each day be more fruitful as we continue to journey in faith.

  6. Thankyou, Shemaiah for your beautiful reflection which caught my breath when I realized for the first time the difference between the Resurrected Christ and the Ascended Christ! Thanks be to God. Thankyou Rebecca for the beautiful closing Prayer.

  7. In this time of being isolated, it is comforting to know we are never alone. Thank you for this retreatr Ann

  8. I also was struck by the question, “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” It seems like a real call, not to wring our hands and focus on what we’ve lost, not to look at the past, but to move forward and to do what we are given to do, in this time and place – by God’s grace and with God’s guidance.

  9. Jesus kept saying to the apostles. There is one to come and he will help you. John the Baptiste said I’m not worthy to lace His sandals…the repetition over and over again. Believing in the words Jesus, that the Holy Spirit will come and always be there with you. All of it is to reassure us that we are not alone, there’s a force greater in our life that I’m aware. God blew Him in with my first breathe…today as we face challenges unprecedented in our life. I truly believe that He and Jesus the Holy Spirit will end the Covid 19 all we need to do as the community of God is ask in His name..the promise given the promise kept. Tho Jesus said the ruler of the world will come, His promise was the Holy Spirit will combat evil in the world..Come Oh Holy Spirit Come

  10. Thank you for another inspiring reflection today when Jesus ascended to the Father.
    An amazing portrait of Hope love and trust
    He remains with us to guide us moment by moment
    I pray that I may persevere in times of difficulty knowing You are always by my side. Amen

  11. We certainly do not know what lies ahead or when the “new normal” will emerge. It is easy to identify with the disciples… by challenging to live the waiting time with faith and trust.
    Thanks for the reflection and prayer

  12. Shemaiah, thanks so much. When you asked which disciple we could identify with in the painting, I had a difficult time coming up with a quick answer… sitting with the graces of my life, my sinfulness, my fragility, my gratitude and my good deeds. All of the disciples! Also, I appreciated the background on Copley, and his metanoia moment.

  13. Thanks so much for the inspirational and prayerful words. May the Holy Spirit always Guide Us to the Most Holy Trinity and Our Beautiful Blessed Mother Mary

  14. Indeed. In this challenging time, I fervently ask the Lord that He sends us the Holy Spirit that we may find the way and do the things that please the Father🙏

    For all the reflection and prayers shared today, maraming salamat👼

  15. Beautiful reflection and soothing prayer. Thanks Shemaiah and Rebecca. A very happy feast of the Ascension.


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