HomeRetreatsUsing Creativity to Heal the World

Using Creativity to Heal the World

person walking near windblown tree - photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

When Jesus came to Earth, he represented a great change in the world’s currents. What was divided could now come together. What was sin could be made into righteousness. What was angry and hostile could be converted to contentment and peace. What was wounded could be healed. And so we sense in Advent a powerful undercurrent of healing.

The divine energy that created the universe courses through our own souls and makes it possible for us to take the raw materials of life and turn them into beauty and goodness. That power that brought human and divine together in Jesus of Nazareth fuels our hearts and minds to bring together what is broken apart. We are meant to be creators. Even more, we are meant to be healers.

What are the raw materials of your life during this Advent season? What can you use to make something beautiful? Your talents? Your money? Your friendships? Your prayers?

And what healing wonders can you perform? Can you be the peaceful ground between conflicted family members? Can you give extra to feed the hungry and clothe the naked? Can you organize events that help people use their gifts for the betterment of society? Can you create art that helps people recognize and name their wounds—and also point them to hope?

Please post any ideas you have—any experiences you remember—that can encourage and inspire your dotMagis family to be healers this Advent and Christmas.

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash.

God's Wonderful Word - A transfer sticker and coloring book

Vinita Hampton Wright
Vinita Hampton Wrighthttp://www.loyolapress.com/authors/vinita-hampton-wright
Vinita Hampton Wright edited books for 32 years, retiring in 2021. She has written various fiction and non-fiction books, including the novel Dwelling Places and spirituality books Days of Deepening Friendship, The Art of Spiritual Writing, Small Simple Ways: An Ignatian Daybook for Healthy Spiritual Living, and, most recently, Set the World on Fire: A 4-Week Personal Retreat with the Female Doctors of the Church. Vinita is a spiritual director and continues to facilitate retreats and write fiction and nonfiction. She lives with her husband, two dogs, and a cat in Springdale, Arkansas.


  1. After asking God’s direction in prayer please consider contributing your gifts time and money to challenging the unfair structures in your society. We can keep on feeding the poor or we can advocate for just wages, access to health care and education, law changes to protect our environment, etc. There are so many ways we can make a difference in this world. Listen to God then step forth in faith to challenge and inspire our leaders just as Jesus did. There are so many unjust structures. God will not call you to work in every area, listen to that small inner voice then act. And don’t forget to enjoy the beauty and grace God has given you. God bless everyone thanks for reading my post.

  2. I’ve been trying to reach out to my niece who is experiencing similar marital problems to mine of years ago. I pray about it and feel as though she may respond to hearing that someone else knows the pain.

  3. Our covid experience has revealed to us what Christ said: The last shall be first…” We now see clearly how much we rely on those who serve as the foundation of our lives: farmers, people who process our food, those who deliver products and staff groceries and other essential services; those who care for the sick and elderly… as well as the higher paid healthcare staff. But, we see these “little people” often get paid less than they need to survive. they risk their lives for us and we ignore their needs. NOW is the time to make certain we advocate for them, for a decent minimum wage, for protection of workers in unsafe conditions, for healthcare for them… NOW is the time we rebuild while and by addressing these inequities. NOW is the time for Catholic Action…

  4. When I wake up and begin my day, I take time to contemplate the previous day or take on a challenging item I had left undone.

    I am grateful for God’s grace filling up my well each day as the day begins. I begin the day with gratitude and pray for the fortitude to make it last through the day.

    I also know it can run dry but I have hope that… God-willing if I have a tomorrow, He will provide enough for whatever I do for Him and in His name the next day …..but for today, this day- He provides all I need .

    God bless you as you bring forth the gifts God has given you to give and share with this world.

  5. The reflections in your post, Vinta, are life-giving, so true. Thanks. In addition, Abraham’s comment makes clear how we can show much love in little things. Thanks again. I would simply like to say how crucial it is too to use our creativity to allow God to heal ourselves. In what concrete ways is God seeking to heal our own lives, the past, the present, the future? Go with it and allow God to love you this Advent and Christmas. Thank God for Christmas!

  6. Our Art League is having a giving tree in our town center….Artists are donating supplies and original works and prints for people to come and take, free of charge…..it is a way of spreading good will and promoting the healing quality of art.

  7. Take a moment in silence,
    Ask, through The Sacred Heart of Jesus, for The Holy Spirit to come with Wisdom and Understanding. Teach me what “YOU” want me to know.
    Imagine you can see The Holy Trinity looking down from Heaven. Now imagine you can see what They see.
    Unless we see ourselves as God sees us we are going to be unable to accept the Grace that God is continually wanting to shower down on us. To wash us with. To strengthen us with.
    To enlighten us with. To bring us home with.
    So what does God see?
    He, being Our Creator, sees His Creation. And all of “His Creation” is Good.
    He, being Our Father, sees His Children. And as Our Loving Father, wants to rain down His Gifts upon us.

    Now, look at what this “world” sees. Or what the prince of this world wants us to see.
    He wants us to see our failures.
    Wants us feel our hopelessness.
    There is no reason for us to try,
    since we betrayed God so many times, He isn’t going to listen to our pleas for help…we will just betray him again.
    These are the lies we face over and over again.

    To overcome “The lies,” we “Lean on Jesus” we surrender ourselves to Him, We trust in his Mercy!
    In completely letting go, our hands are now empty and able to grab ahold of the Grace He is raining down on us.
    In completely emptying ourselves, we are ready to be filled with The Holy Spirit.
    Then with “All His Gifts” we can see ourselves as God sees us and begin to see Our Loving Father as He really is.

    Jesus said, deny your very self, take up your cross, and follow me.
    What a great invitation, that He has given us.
    Let us pray for His Grace to carry it with joy!
    Knowing He is always with us, there is no need for us to be afraid.

    God is closer to us than water is to a fish!

  8. A handful of our parish ladies are going thru the Thomas Merton “Bridges” series and at the beginning of each weekly session one or two of us will share something; that has spiritually affected us either positively or negatively.

    Twice a week, four of women from our parish do the Morning Prayer from The Mission of St Clare and reflect briefly on the advent reading. We give thanks or offer prayers for others during this time. This Advent may seem somewhat stressful for many.

    During Advent this year, our Interim Priest is leading Compline on Sunday evenings. Brings a special end to the day.

    Letting my grandkids help finish putting ornaments on the Christmas tree helps bring feelings of joy; that the little lights on the tree reminds us to look for the small things in our day we can do for others or that helps us be grateful for things like the sun shine, freshly fallen snow, family, friends and nature.

  9. I read this post in the midst of utter heartbreak. My sister’s husband was diagnosed with malignant glioblastoma two weeks ago. After emergency brain surgery and 2 weeks in an acute rehab facility re-learning basic walking, personal care, speech, etc, the words “what healing wonders can you perform” fall empty to the floor. Our family hangs on by a thread to the hope found in our deep faith: Immanuel, our God is with us, even now, catching the shards of our broken hearts and holding them together because we can’t. Advent has always been a time of ending and beginning, a time to prepare. We are living this in a new way now. Pray for Michael. Pray for all of us.

    • Patricia your words have touched me and although my faith is fragile I want to reach out to you. I promise to pray daily for Michael and your family that you will be held by the deep love God has for you all.

  10. This has been an especially difficult year for all. At this time during Advent last year our district was threatened by a large and fierce bushfire steadily approaching. The worst happened for us and we lost people, wildlife, property and the scars are still raw. This Advent we pray for continued healing for people and our environment. Our parish is actively contributing to this healing by our presence, commitment and love. Our Saviour came to us as a helpless, vulnerable baby. An act of immense love and trust.

  11. What a wonderful post!

    I can create healing in others this season of Advent by:

    Calling and speaking to my family members and remind them they are loved and a real blessing in my life.

    Holding the door open for a neighbor or running an errand for them.

    Smiling to a stranger as I pass them on the street.

    Waiting patiently on line at the post office or at a store.

    Listening more intently at work instead of rushing to solve problems.

    I can heal by giving of myself in these small but concrete ways.

    • Abraham, that was perfect! Thank you for reminding me of all the simple things we can do every day to make the world around us better. Stay safe and healthy.

      Vinita, thank you for yet another inspiring reflection.

  12. An idea that worked in my parish – ask your Pastor to place a request for food in the weekly bulletin that would be distributed during the Christmas season. This might be the start of a food pantry for your parish. Thank you Vinita for your ministry! God’s blessings and peace to all!


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