You’ve multiplied the many fruits
of every gift You’ve given me:
music, service, intellect,
with love-begetting-love
multiplied most;
and now
like a plant
in a pot
You ask me to rest;
and looking up I see Your hand
and feel grace shower down
readying me for Your coaxing forth
the new growth,
the new buds,
the new fruits,
the new gifts-for-the-world.
At rest I receive
what I need for next,
what serves You best,
no longer tasks on a list,
but Kingdom-building-by-BEING alone.
So, “yes,” to this rest,
and all that comes next,
and the work of “Jubilee”:
rest in You.
Rest in Me, Full of Comfort
Rest in Me,
full of comfort;
I know you often optimize everything,
make the most of every gift,
Magis-ize each moment;
just for now,
stop and savor for savoring’s sake;
feel the wind;
hear the current’s gurgle;
see the stars;
fill full of wonder, and hear My heartbeat;
I hold you;
and the world;
and the works;
and everyone I’ve ever made;
so, full-of-comfort,
rest in Me.
You Are a Reflection of the Invisible God
are a reflection
of the invisible God,
light from Light,
joy from Joy,
sent to enfold
each soul you meet
in God’s embrace
at this moment in time;
love from Love,
you live in Me
and light the world
with My love,
because of My love.