As the days went on, however, I found this new password having an interesting effect on my spirit as I started work each day. The plea went from being a hostile gripe with technology to instead being a short mantra to start whatever I was doing. “Godhelpme!”¦write this e-mail with compassion.” “Godhelpme!…do this right.” “Godhelpme!”¦find you in this work.” And in doing this, my work became more meaningful, more about serving rather than getting work done. I realized that prayer, even short mantras, can act as a password to enter that sacred space in the midst of daily life.
Ignatius would implore his retreatants to ask directly for what grace they would seek from God. That request for grace is now my password both onscreen and in my heart, so I can regularly remember that God is in all things, even my operating system.
*Password has been changed since this writing.