HomeIgnatian PrayerIgnatian Voices“The Light Came, but Not Without a Fight.”

“The Light Came, but Not Without a Fight.”

The Ignatian Educator reminds us that the reality of the first Christmas was scary and confusing at the same time it was a joyful event. The first Christmas:Almeida Júnior - Fuga para o Egito, 1881

…rattles a marriage. It exiles a family. It endangers lives. And it provokes a madman to murder. The brisk descriptions in the New Testament fail to capture what must have been, for Mary and Joseph and many others, a bewildering, terrifying ordeal.

I don’t recall these scenes so we can relive them. I don’t recall them to make Christmas feel like Good Friday. Our vocation is not to those trials. But the exile, the massacre, the uncertainty, they remind us that what we mark so gleefully and easily, what we express in lounging, food and song, had the effect of an earthquake in the lives of real people. The Light came, but not without a fight. The Light won, but not without cost.

Read the full article as we celebrate the twelve days of Christmas.


  1. The light came but, Not without a fight. Brings the reality that things were not easy for Mary and Joseph. Today we can rejoice, because Mary endured the hardships so we can sing Joy to the World. I almost want to cry when I think of what the Mother of my Savior had to suffer and that was only the beginning. Today when i feel rejected or dissapointed i can think of Mary as my role model through hardships of life, I must lesrn like Mary to ponder things I don’t understand in my heart. Thank you Blessed Mother for setting an example for me and all Mothers and Thank you Joseph for supporting Mary your wife.

  2. Thank you for the link to this thought-provoking article. “Once Christ wins our obedience, everything changes… Suddenly, we are pilgrims.”


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