HomeBooksThe Life of Jesus Discussion Guide

The Life of Jesus Discussion Guide

The Life of Jesus Lenten Read-Along - book with author Andrea Tornielli

Welcome to the Lenten read-along of The Life of Jesus! As we read the first chapters of Andrea Tornielli’s book, consider these questions:

  • Describe an experience from your life in which “time seemed to halt” because of an encounter with the “unidentifiable and indefinable.”
  • Think of a time you abandoned yourself and decided to trust in God. How might God be calling forth this trust right now in your life?
  • When have questions surfaced in your mind concerning a new direction you were taking in life?

These questions and more can be found in the discussion guide for The Life of Jesus. Download your copy here.

Participating in our Lenten read-along? Introduce yourself in the comments below! And post your thoughts, favorite quotes, or reactions with #lentreadalong on social media.


  1. My first reflection is an appreciation for the ways in which Mary’s and Joseph’s fiats are portrayed. They were both people of faith and responded to God’s call as people of faith. They struggled with the afterthoughts of saying “Yes” as most of us would do. After Mary said yes, she was left alone to realize more deeply what was asked of her, while Joseph, portrayed as a good and faithful man, after a dream and communication from God, faced the fears and responsibilities he had been asked to fulfill. They both carried these miraculous things in their hearts. Sometimes with fear, sometimes with wonder, with no fanfare or assurances, they were faithful children of God.

    This first reading of our Lenten book, gives me hope in the normal life I live as a human being. They were truly humble, and tried to view these things with the eyes of faith. So should I.

  2. As I have been reading the first chapters of this book, I find myself seeing Mary and Joseph more as real people with down to earth daily activities. Such as putting up a curtain to shield Mary while giving birth and arranging the cave area to be comfortable for her. The conversations of the Shepards make them seem more real. They were probably “backward’ people who were terrified when the angels appeared. Maybe they had never even heard of a Promised Messiah or any of the Biblical characters in their history. So far this is a very enlightening book which makes Jesus more real as a Human being.

  3. I love the way this book is written. I feel that I am with Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus. The quotes from the Bible and Pope Francis are a wonderful addition.


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon