HomeIgnatian PrayerThe Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Third Week of Lent

The Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Third Week of Lent

The Ignatian Workout for Lent: An Online Retreat (banner)
In John’s Gospel, Jesus begins his public ministry with the miracle of changing water into wine. Why does he choose this action, rather than something more—well—Godlike? We consider that this week in our Ignatian Workout for Lent. Listen to Tim Muldoon’s reflection below. If you’d like, share some of your own reflections in the comments.


Ask Jesus to teach you how to walk with him and be his presence in the world. Ask his Holy Spirit to guide you to acts of compassion like those he revealed in unexpected places. Open your eyes and look for those opportunities.


Choose one concrete way to express compassion today.

Learn more about the book that inspired this retreat.

Tim Muldoon
Tim Muldoon
Tim Muldoon is the author of a number of books, including The Ignatian Workout and Living Against the Grain, and teaches in the Department of Philosophy at Boston College.


  1. Dear Monika, I think it is so wonderful that you are reaching out by phone to speak to your grandmother. As a great grandmother myself, I sorely miss seeing my grands and great grands so much…but, at the Sametime we simply have to recognize so many issues that swirl around us because of the Covid virus. We have had to be creative in how we “visit: meaningfully. (Thanks to zoom) Our family shared a lot of fun opening presents at Christmas time, telling stories and laughing together about our younger years, just being together was so great for all of us. It was so great when I could hear and see my great grandson cheer me when he gleefully opened his birthday present recently, all on zoom. Thanks to my Iphone I could witness other things tool. You are giving your grandmother a beautiful gift just by calling and saying “Hello…I love you….I will be seeing as soon as it’s safe to travel and visit once more…Shower her with love in small caring ways….It’ll all work out in the long run, by any means of communication you can dream up…even snail mail with funny joke notes!!! Riz

  2. Yesterday I called to my grandmother, she lives 150km away from my city, most time of the day stays alone at home and from her voice I felt her weakness, she felt not so good, and I felt so weakless to help her. But still thinking, how I can help her, even by visiting her or simply to call her.

    • Ask your grandmother – frequency of calls, realistic expectations of frequency of visits due to distance and your other responsibilities. What about a monthly visit with her other grandchildren as well. Can she travel to see you?

  3. It’s often hard for me to know when the urgings I have to act are from the Spirit or simply musings of my own imagination. In the quiet of my heart I ask the Spirit to please provide a little courage in those times as well so I can take the actions needed to truly show compassion. Eternally a work in process.


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Loretta Pehanich
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Tim Muldoon