HomedotMagisReflectionsSeptember’s Fresh Start

September’s Fresh Start

autumn leavesSeptember really is the best month of the year. With September comes that crisp, fresh air with a slight chill in its breath, whispering of the cold to come. The leaves change up our streets from blankets of green into glorious transient masterpieces of awesome color that seem to change just a little each day until one day the wind blows the canvas clean for another year. The children are all decked out in their new school clothes, the school buses make a grand re-entrance in morning traffic, and the sound of children’s laughter as they play returns to schoolyards everywhere. It’s easy to find God in September because everything is so alive at this time of year, and so beautiful, and so new. It’s like New Year and spring and even an art exhibit all at once.

In particular this year, I am finding God in the fresh start that September brings. Thankfully, God is clearly a fan of giving us fresh starts. We can see examples of God’s offer of a fresh start in the sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation, in covenants God made in the Old Testament, and in the many Gospel stories of people Jesus healed. Fresh starts are everywhere in our relationship with God, so the question becomes whether we’re prepared to take God up on that offer. My mind turns to the story of the rich young man, who asks Jesus what he needs to do to gain eternal life. Jesus gives him an incredible offer, which I will paraphrase as, “Drop everything and follow me; start fresh.” Unfortunately, at least in that moment, the young man just couldn’t take the offer. Something held him back.

This September, perhaps it would do us all well to take some time to think about what is holding us back from a fresh start. Is it time to give up a bad habit? To devote more of our precious time to those in our lives who need that time more than we do? To come back to Mass after having stepped back for a while? Whatever the case may be, I pray that we all experience the excitement, the freedom, and the beauty that come of the fresh start that God unfailingly offers to us all.

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Cara Callbeck
Cara Callbeck
Cara Callbeck holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and works in the public sector as a human resources professional. Cara recently completed the Spiritual Exercises and has since felt quite drawn to Ignatian spirituality. She is now on a quest to learn more and grow and to incorporate Ignatian spirituality in her life as a professional, mother, and “woman for others.” Cara lives in the Canadian Prairies with the two greatest blessings in her life—her husband and daughter.


  1. Where I live, we don’t see an end to the heat of summer until October, so for me October is my month of new beginnings. And I absolutely love autumn! It is my favorite time of year. Sweater weather, and the need to draw the blankets up at night is so welcome after dealing with the 90’s for several months!
    I can’t count all the times God has given me a “second chance”, and I pray He doesn’t tire of doing so, because without His love and forgiveness, I would truly be lost. Each day I pray that He helps me to be a better person, and that keeps me going. His love is everlasting.

  2. The sight of leaves changing color the chill in the air in the morning and the rustling of leaves under foot always make me feel like a child again.
    Yes a new beginning, hope and the everlasting belief that I can be a better person.
    Without faith we are lost. Amazing how powerfully something we cannot see or feel can touch us, so deeply.


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