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See Who Has Created These Things

Last Wednesday, we had a blizzard in Omaha and Creighton University was closed. Nine inches of snow was whipped by a ferocious wind onto roofs and in doorways. Suddenly, in the midst of my busy week, I had a day of enforced nothingness. I always dream of a day with nothing scheduled and now here, in the middle of Advent, I was handed that day.

After my husband left the house, I thought that maybe I would finish the book I am reading. I also had some laundry to do. And several boxes of Christmas decorations I should put up. Maybe I would hang up the wreath in the guest room. Call the guy about the roof. Change the sheets in my son’s room… Within minutes, my To Do list for the day, this unscheduled gift of a day, was packed.

The scripture readings for last Wednesday included the wonderful promise in Isaiah 40: “They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar as with eagles’ wings. They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.”

Those were all things I would need to make it through my massive To Do list. But as I pondered my day, as I held it out to God, I realized that maybe on that day, I didn’t need renewed strength. Wouldn’t it be good if I slowed down and felt a little weary that day? Perhaps instead of endless vigor, I was being invited by God to consider one of the first lines in the reading—a line I skimmed over at first: “Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things.”

I lifted up my eyes and to see who created these things. Without a sound in my house, I stood at my front window and watched the deserted street, the beauty of the blanketed neighborhood and looked up at the falling snow across a dark sky. Falling snow has a great dizzying pattern when you watch it from below and its crazy journey was entertaining. Then I noticed that most of the neighbors had Christmas lights on their bushes and the growing snow gave a muffled glow to each lit tree and bush. It was the middle of a weekday morning, but it had a holiday feel to it.

I saw a car stuck on the corner, trying to make it up the steep hill in front of our house, and others stopping to give the car a push. I watched our cat gaze out the window, yawn and curl up for a nap.

“Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things.” Thank you, Lord. I dropped my To Do list and made a pot of chili and read last Sunday’s newspaper.

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