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Final Week of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure

Happy Easter! We've come to the final week of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Jesus is risen! And in exploring our theme of “God's Love...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure: Week 8

We come to the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises-the end of the Exercises and the final week of our retreat. We encounter the...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure: Week 7

This week we pray through the Passion of Christ. This is the third phase of the Spiritual Exercises—the Third Week. In the Second...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure: Week 6

This week we follow Jesus in his public ministry. Each day we'll pray and reflect on a Scripture passage describing Jesus interacting with people....

Week 5 of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure is at the halfway point. We move into Week 5, exploring the question: What do I really want? We begin with...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure: Week 5

Our prayer this week explores the implications and consequences of following Christ. Ignatius does this by proposing three scenarios or “thought experiments” involving the...

Week 4 of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure

Our online retreat continues with Week 4 of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure ready today. We're moving into the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure: Week 4

This week we move into the Second Week or main section of the Spiritual Exercises. In the First Week, we savored the grace of...

Join An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Week 3

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure continues with Week 3 materials ready today. Our theme is “Something's Broken,” and we consider the effects of sin in...

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure: Week 3

This week, we begin what Ignatius calls the First Week of his Exercises. By “week,” Ignatius does not mean seven calendar days, but a...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon