
Advent - search results

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Lent. Is it over yet?

Lent?  Not a big fan of this season, even though I'm very fond of purple, love soup and rarely pass up opportunities to ponder...

Come to the Table: A Passover Seder for Parish Use

I try to live in sync with the liturgical year because doing so provides a glorious framework for daily living. I mention this because...

Annunciations All the Time

My wife disturbed my Advent bliss a couple of days ago when she showed me a poem. I had been sailing along smoothly, humming...


The most basic spiritual practice is learning silence.  Practicing silence is an act of faith precisely because one cannot know for certain that anything...

Gabriel Is Surprised

Fr. Jim Martin, SJ, notes something unusual in a Renaissance depiction of the Annunciation: Mary is surprised, but the angel Gabriel seems to be...


Advent is the season when we remind ourselves of what we are waiting for, keeping at bay the voices which tell us that our...

Desire for What You Want

Desire is a key concept in Ignatian spirituality; we've written about it frequently on dotMagis. (See, for example, here, here, and here.) When we...

Contemplation on the Incarnation Part Two: Mary’s Human Response

By Daniel Ruff, SJ A recurring pattern in the Spiritual Exercises has St. Ignatius starting the retreatant off praying at the “cosmic” level, and then...

Contemplation on the Incarnation Part One: The Trinity Looks Down from Heaven

By Daniel Ruff, SJ The lion's share of the Spiritual Exercises, perhaps two-thirds, is given over to imaginative contemplation of Gospel episodes from the life...

Contemplative Cooking

Since I no longer believe in coincidence, I'm wondering what God is inviting me to see, not only in the sudden spate of movies...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon