By Kevin O'Brien, SJ
From The Ignatian Adventure
Ignatius advises that we reflect on our experience of prayer (SE 77). Keeping a journal is most helpful...
By Kevin O'Brien, SJ
From The Ignatian Adventure
Ignatius was convinced that God can speak to us as surely through our imagination as through our thoughts...
By Kevin O'Brien, SJ
From The Ignatian Adventure
Fr. William A. Barry, SJ, a renowned spiritual director and scholar of the Spiritual Exercises, offers a very...
By Kevin O'Brien, SJ
From The Ignatian Adventure
It's natural to become distracted during prayer sometimes. If you can, simply acknowledge the distracting thought and let...
I've already mentioned The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O'Brien, SJ. Sprinkled throughout are prayers and poems. I really liked this one from John Henry Cardinal...