
Advent - search results

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Review Prayer by Keeping a Journal

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure Ignatius advises that we reflect on our experience of prayer (SE 77). Keeping a journal is most helpful...

Ignatian Contemplation: Imaginative Prayer

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure Ignatius was convinced that God can speak to us as surely through our imagination as through our thoughts...

Images of God

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure Fr. William A. Barry, SJ, a renowned spiritual director and scholar of the Spiritual Exercises, offers a very...

Distractions in Prayer

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure It's natural to become distracted during prayer sometimes. If you can, simply acknowledge the distracting thought and let...

A Parent’s Creche

I came back from the Christmas break to find a link to this lovely reflection in my mailbox.  It's by Maureen McCann Waldron, who...

Mary Receiving Jesus into Her Arms

The moment my son, Brady, was first placed into my arms everything changed. As I gazed into his tiny eyes, stroked his peach fuzz...

The God of My Beginning and End

Another prayer from The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O'Brien, SJ. This time it is by Karl Rahner, SJ . I should like to speak with...

How Does Hope Shape Us?

A driving dynamic of Advent is hope. If we had nothing to hope for, there would be no point to this season. The original...

Some Definite Service

I've already mentioned The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O'Brien, SJ. Sprinkled throughout are prayers and poems. I really liked this one from John Henry Cardinal...

A Good Camino

I went to see the new movie The Way this week, and I can warmly recommend it. It's one of those movies that causes...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon