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Finding God in All Things

The Examen is a simple form for “checking in” daily with God. It's a review of your day, by which you observe how you...

Our Deepest Desires

Welcome to Week 2 of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In today's video, I talk about desire and praying for the grace that you desire. Visit...

Lent-Easter Retreat Week 2

Week 2 of our Ignatian Prayer Adventure retreat begins today.  The theme of the week is "Finding God in All Things."Don't worry if you...

Friday’s Reflection: You Are Loved

During this first week of our Lenten retreat, we have concentrated on what St. Ignatius called the Principle and Foundation. I've referred to this...

Does God Have a Plan for Your Life?

I grew up in a religious subculture that was very certain about who God was and how God operated. Very often I heard, “God...

Becoming Free

We're reflecting on freedom in this first week of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Ignatius has a radical view of spiritual freedom. He says that to...

Some Other Ideas for Lent

The Lent-Easter Ignatian Prayer Adventure online retreat started yesterday, but you can join in any time.  Take a look. I thought I'd mention a couple...

Our Essential Nature

Christian spirituality in general and Ignatian spirituality in particular operate from an overarching assumption. We believe that humanity has inherent purpose. That purpose fueled our...

Retreat Starts on Sunday

On Sunday the Ignatian Prayer Adventure retreat begins here on I hope you take a look at it and consider following it through...

Review Prayer by Keeping a Journal

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure Ignatius advises that we reflect on our experience of prayer (SE 77). Keeping a journal is most helpful...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon