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If Jesus Were Born Today

It's easy to distance ourselves from the birth of Jesus. After all, it happened more than 2,000 years ago, and it happened in a...

Give Up Being Tough on Yourself

In this week's video, I respond to comments inspired by last week's video: Sin, O Happy Fault. Try giving up being tough on yourself,...

Re-Situate Your Life

Through praying with the various Scriptures suggested for the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises, we come to understand that even though we are...

Sin: The Individual Portrait

We have begun to consider what sin looks like in the big picture. But that's not enough. Sooner or later, I must take that...

Sin and Falling Short of Ideals

Looking at our sins and faults allows us to take responsibility for them. We can possess them; they no longer possess us. We become...

Sin: The Big Picture

Lent is the season during which we consider what it means to be fallen creation, in need of divine help. In Week 3 of...

Sin, O Happy Fault

My three favorite words in any language are, “O felix culpa—O happy fault.” I talk about why in today's video, part of our discussion...

Experiences of Boredom or Dryness in Prayer

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure Our relationship with God in prayer has a certain rhythm. There are moments of great highs and lows...

The Colloquy

By Kevin O'Brien, SJ From The Ignatian Adventure A colloquy is an intimate conversation between you and God the Father, between you and Jesus, or between...

The History of One Day

You can look at the day you just lived through, and notice certain things. The physical: What did you see? What did you hear? Taste?...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon