
Advent - search results

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On the Examen

This post is based on Week Two of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. I first encountered the Daily Examen—the five-step prayer of St. Ignatius, which aims...

Into Me You See

This post is by Fiona Basile, author of Shhh...God Is in the Silence, as she begins An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. As I make my way...

My Beloved

My fingers brush the holy water as I enter the church. I’m here for a Gospel meditation, and I linger, imagining the Jordan. Was...

Contemplating the Nativity

Every year, as Advent and Christmas roll around, I return to the contemplation on the Nativity in the Spiritual Exercises. In this contemplation, St....

God with Us in the Word

Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls, recently shared a post on Listening for God in Scripture, in which she suggested praying...

The Devil in a Piece of Pie

Waiting for a friend at a local coffee shop, I used my smartphone to read a portion of the first letter of John. God...

Colloquy: Conversing with God

What is a colloquy? I’ll let Kevin O’Brien, SJ, explain: A colloquy is an intimate conversation between you and God the Father, between you and...

“I Have Seen the Lord!”

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Mary of Magdala visited the tomb of Jesus early in the morning and...

Light out of Darkness

This post is based on Week Seven of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In Jerusalem, a short walk from the Garden of Gethsemane, is the Church...

Praying Through Suffering

In his book, The Ignatian Adventure, Kevin O’Brien, SJ, writes: In the third week of the Exercises, Ignatius invites us to consider how Jesus’ divinity...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon