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Peace and Justice

In these troubled days, here are a few resources to assist prayer and reflection on themes of peace and justice. Justice in the Spiritual...

Taking the Ignatius Challenge

Many years before St. Ignatius Loyola dedicated his life to the service of the faith, he was a battle-injured soldier, laid up in his...

Thomas Experiences Joy

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure and inspired by John 20:24–29. I’d gone out for provisions. They were afraid...

Stay with My Son

This post is based on Week Seven of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. I picked up a prayer book and out fell a bookmark showing a...

Watching Fireworks

This post is based on Week Six of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Editor’s note: This article was written before we started practicing social distancing to...

In Concert with Christ

This post is based on Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. The popular hip hop artist took the stage as 15,000-plus fans cheered. He...

Opening Doors in Lent

Editor’s note: This article was written before we started practicing social distancing to avoid the spread of sickness. But the lesson of being compassionate...

Sent from God

This post is based on Week Four of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure and inspired by Luke 1:26. I wait by God’s throne, ready to spring...

Boxes by the Seaside

This parable is based on Week Three of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. A man stepped out his front door and stumbled on a box. He...

Seeing Goodness and Grace

This post is based on Week Two of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Toilet paper? Tax bills and late payments? Finding God in all things isn’t...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon