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Ways to Pray with the Examen This Lent

Earlier this month we suggested An Ignatian Prayer Adventure as one way to observe Lent. Start your retreat this Sunday (Feb. 19) to follow...

Lent Is Coming

Ash Wednesday is February 22, 2023, so today we’re highlighting just a few of the many Ignatian-inspired features designed to help you observe Lent. An...

Seeing with the Heart: A Webinar with Kevin O’Brien, SJ

The Ignatian tradition offers valuable resources to those seeking meaning and purpose in today’s world. Whether we are steeped in a religious tradition or...

A Blanket Surprise

This year, as Advent began, I wasn’t feeling ready. I just couldn’t get into the spirit of Advent. I talked with my spiritual director about...

Imagining an Impatient Jesus

This story is inspired by the second reading for the Third Sunday of Advent (Cycle A), James 5:7–10. “Now?” “No, Jesus,” Mary said gently as she...

Poinsettias and Prayer

Many people enjoy decorating their homes or offices with poinsettias during the holiday season. Poinsettias, or flores de Nochebuena, are associated with Christmas on...

Praying Through Pain at Christmas

“Joy to the world!” the song rings out. But not everyone feels joyful at Christmas. Anyone who is sick, bereaved, lonely, or unemployed may...

Into the Unknown with Ignatius

The night before my daughter started middle school, I found her alone in her room, curled up on her bed, her eyes welling with...

Spiritual Writing and the Colloquy

Eric A. Clayton, author of Cannonball Moments, talks about the role of writing in prayer. In a Pop-Up Prayer interview, he explains how he...

Three Ways St. Ignatius Was a Leader

What defines a good leader? I wrestle with this question all the time. When I was in high school, I believed a good leader was...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon