Site icon Ignatian Spirituality

Prayer and the Principle and Foundation

woman resting head in arm, sitting outside - photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

My first encounter with learning more substantially about Ignatian spirituality was in a workshop at Boston College offered years ago by the late Fr. Howard Gray, SJ. He was speaking about the Principle and Foundation, that is, the idea that God created us to love and serve God and that we are to treat all other created things as means to that and not to treat those goods as though they were gods. In the course of that talk, Fr. Gray noted some important features of prayer in relation to the Principle and Foundation, ones that have stayed with me.

These three features of encounter, freedom, and kindness in my ongoing growth are wonderful insights of Fr. Gray’s and help me to remember what is at the heart of the Principle and Foundation: God’s love for me and friendship for me and for all people.

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash.

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