HomedotMagisReflectionsOur Intrusive God

Our Intrusive God

home doorDuring my summer off from teaching, one might think it would be easier for me to make time for God, yet I found myself either working on my writing or planning for the new school year. One afternoon I sat down with a cocktail and decided to devote some solid time to working on a project for my business. A few minutes in, the doorbell rang. I ignored it. It rang again.

Frustrated, I peeked downstairs and saw a homeless woman at the door who I knew had come by before. As I peered over the railing, she saw me. I reluctantly went down, opened the door, and greeted her kindly. For the next ten minutes she poured out her story and struggle to me. I asked her questions about what her immediate goal was, which was to get a bus ticket to a nearby city where she had some friends who could help her. During my time with her, I thought about my cocktail that was getting warm and my unfinished work. What did that all matter when this woman just wanted some water and someone to listen?

The next Sunday at Mass I heard the reading about Abraham encountering three strangers near his tent and quickly and joyously offering them food and hospitality. He even calls himself their “servant”—to strangers! Author Alice Camille reflects on this unexpected moment in Living with Christ:

He probably wasn’t praying or looking for divine direction or even thinking holy thoughts at all. …Yet in that very domestic, private, and unassuming hour, he had a celestial encounter with three persons described by most commentators as angels. Abraham wasn’t looking for God. But God was looking for him.

What felt like an intrusion in my planned afternoon was an encounter with God through the visit of a woman who just needed someone to listen to her. I had gotten caught up with my own agenda and had been ignoring God, yet God burst into my afternoon unannounced. This is so Ignatian. Our encounters with God are not always in church or an intentional time of prayer. They can happen anywhere and at any time. God sometimes intrusively rings our doorbell, forcing us out of our own self-absorption and into a harsh reminder that God is not going anywhere. We need not be looking for the divine in order for it to show up. More often than not, it’s God who takes the initiative in the relationship. We’re simply called to answer the door and engage.

Andy Otto
Andy Ottohttps://godinallthings.com/
Andy Otto is an Ignatian blogger and spiritual director. He currently works in adult faith formation and retreat direction at a Jesuit parish and retreat center in Atlanta, GA, where he lives with his wife and daughter. Andy is the author of God Moments and holds a master’s degree in theology and ministry from Boston College.


  1. So true that God comes to us in disguise yet so often we fail to recognise this presence .Your encounter reminds me to slow down and take time to see God in daily happenings Thank you

  2. I think you would need to be gentle in telling them there are other alternatives that might want to try, without putting them in a defensive mood. It is a delicate subject. God Bless

  3. Andy,
    Your post really hits the mark! I love it. Thank you for reminding me that God interrupts me when I am making other plans.

  4. Not many homeless coming to my doorstep but I’m fine with giving street people a dollar or two and keeping them in my prayers. The ones I struggle with are the young adults going to door-to-door practicing their social skills and selling overpriced subscriptions to magazines that no one wants, including the non-profits, that supposedly receive them if we don’t want one for ourselves. I want to encourage them and spend time with them and give them hope but don’t want to feel ripped off in the process. I am highly suspect of the organizations that “employ” them – sort of. How do you kindly tell them they are being used without giving them an alternative to the streets?


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