HomeSpiritualityOpen-Eyed Wonder

Open-Eyed Wonder

eye gazing out and upSeeing God in all things is about challenging the concepts we have formed about God over the course of our lives, recognizing that they are always limited. Part of the way we as human beings think is to break down our world into manageable chunks; we develop a sense of how things work based on what we are able to understand. If God is God, though, our understanding of God will always be very limited. We must be prepared always to challenge what we have previously thought about God and allow God to challenge us to think in a new way. When we allow ourselves this kind of open-eyed wonder at the world, rather than assuming we’ve got it all figured out, we will begin to be surprised. God will begin showing up everywhere!

—Excerpted from The Ignatian Workout by Tim Muldoon


  1. This is an every day read. To remind us that God is in it all and he gives us the ability to “see: him in all our activities and bless the good and challenges we face each day.

  2. My eyesight is not that great. It took an ophthalmologist, a specialist in his field, to tell me how ‘not great’ it is. When I read Scripture I see God through my eyes, limited though they are. And I hope I never get it all figured out. Thank you Tim.

  3. What a “wonder-filled” reminder that God keeps challenging me so that I might be surprised by God’s presence! Though I “know” this my heart needs to be reminded at how blest I am.
    Happy New Year and thank you!

  4. I am feeling very overwhelmed with work and responsibilities today. Glad I took the time to read this post. Reminds me that God is always with me, and with His help, taking one task at a time, I will accomplish what I need to. And chances are it will be a beautiful and rewarding experience!

  5. I think I may have read this before but today it made a larger impact.
    This time I came away with wide- eyed wonder.
    ” We must be prepared always to challenge what we have previously thought about God and allow God to challenge us to think in a new way.” Amen


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon