We, too, are called to continue to make present God’s mercy through our actions, our words, our relationships, and our compassionate hearts. As Pope Francis says in his Papal Bull, Misericordiae Vultus, on the Year of Mercy, “The Church is commissioned to announce the mercy of God” (#12).
So let’s do just that this year: Announce the Mercy of God!I invite you to join a group of Ignatian colleagues as we seek to announce the mercy of God through a hashtag campaign, #MercyMatters. Our purpose is simple: we want to spread the message of God’s mercy and invite people to take part in it.
If you witness one of God’s merciful acts, experience God’s mercy, or see, read, or hear something that reminds you of God’s unending merciful love for us, share it using the hashtag on your favorite social media channels. Our hope is that the message of God’s mercy spreads far and wide in this Jubilee Year.
I hope you will join us on our mission to let people know #MercyMatters!
Start by sharing this post and the image below.
Ignatian colleagues involved in this campaign include:
Becky Eldredge
Mike Hayes
Fr. Michael Alello
Lauren Gaffey
Denise Gorss
Mary Mahaffey
Beth Knobbe
Andy Otto
Stephanie Clouatre-Davis