HomeIgnatian PrayerListening for God in Scripture

Listening for God in Scripture

Listening for God in Scripture - person holding BibleRecently, I made my annual silent retreat: eight days of listening for God in nature and also of God meeting me in Scripture. Each day as I met with my spiritual director, she invited me to pray with new passages of Scripture. Scripture, yet again, became the Living Word of God for me as I listened to God’s voice through the written word.

I’m always surprised at which Scriptures I am drawn to on a silent retreat and which ones my spiritual director assigns me. This year, Elijah’s journey in 1 Kings 17—19 accompanied me for most of my retreat, reminding me, amongst many other things, of the gift of God’s daily bread.

People often ask me, “How do I come to know God’s voice in my life?” My response is, “Start reading and then praying with Scripture.” Scripture is often referred to as the Living Word. This explanation implies that it is indeed alive and not dead. One of the ways we experience God’s presence in our lives is coming to know God’s voice and the way God acts in our lives through reading the stories and words of Scripture.

Not only does reading Scripture help us understand the long salvation history of which we are uniquely a part, but it also offers us our daily bread. We are nourished by the Word of God whispered to us in the quiet of our hearts or proclaimed to us in our liturgies. The lines and phrases and stories of Scripture nourish our hearts and give us words to our own experiences of both joy and pain.

How do we listen, though?The long-trusted prayer method of lectio divina is our reliable tool when it comes to listening to God in Scripture. This prayer method slows us down in our reading of Scripture, so that we move from merely reading the words to letting them read our lives. Lectio moves reading of Scripture for study into praying Scripture, so that we are nourished with our daily bread from God.

Here are the four simple steps. For my video explanation of lectio divina, click here.

  • Read. Pick any passage in Scripture. Slowly, thoughtfully, savor the Word. Linger whenever a word or phrase touches your heart.
  • Reflect. What is God saying to you in this passage? Offering you? Asking you?
  • Respond. Respond to God from your heart. Speak to God of your feelings and insights. Offer these to God.
  • Rest. Sit quietly in God’s presence. Rest in God’s love.

If you have not tried lectio divina before, I invite you to give it a try. It will not only tune your ear for God’s voice in your life, but it will also help you listen for God’s Living Word in Scripture.

Becky Eldredge
Becky Eldredgehttp://beckyeldredge.com/
Becky Eldredge is a writer and spiritual director in Baton Rouge, LA. The author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls and The Inner Chapel, Becky holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Education from Louisiana State University and a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University New Orleans. She has her Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Spring Hill College. Becky has been involved in ministry for more than 15 years, with the majority of her work in retreat ministry and adult faith formation. While ministry is one of her passions, her greatest joy is sharing life with her husband, Chris, and her children, Brady, Abby, and Mary.


  1. The Daily Inspirations in the Jesuit Prayers-is that Lectio Divina?
    I myself wouldnt know which scripture readings to read so I just rely on the daily readings.
    Pls reply.

    • If you’re referring to jesuitprayer.org, that is not a lectio divina experience. It does, however, provide the daily Scripture, which is a wonderful source to rely on for practicing lectio divina according to the steps Becky outlines.

  2. This is and has been a part of my life, yet it is the times that I do not take time to sit at the Lords feet that the ground often feels unsteady. Thank God for the Word of God that places are feet on solid ground. Great reminder and reflection.

  3. Thanks for sharing. It sounds very helpful and restful too.I was wondering if non-Catholics could take part in these silent retreats as well.

  4. This is a word in due season! Recently we had someone so dear to us go through a very difficult time!. Reading the book of Philippians verse by verse was a blessing. Yes, the Living Word of God (Jesus) is Always Faithful.


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