Ash Wednesday is a week from today. It’s time to make some plans about how you will observe the season of Lent.
Have you ever considered praying online? If you are reading this blog post, you spend at least part of your day on the internet. You might want to do some praying in the virtual world. If you click on the green image in the right sidebar, you will find some suggestions for online Lenten prayer. Two of these are especially interesting. One is the Seven Weeks for the Soul Retreat, which combines music, imagery, and prayer. The other is the Days of Deepening Friendship Retreat hosted by Vinita Hampton Wright. Both are sponsored by Loyola Press.
Great ideas, here’s another one: our former director, Fr. Clem Metzger, S.J., put together a series of daily readings and reflections for Lent that also include links to webpages on Ignatian spirituality. Check out this link and please feel free to share with your readers.