HomedotMagisReflectionsJesus Meets His Mother on the Way to the Crucifixion

Jesus Meets His Mother on the Way to the Crucifixion

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Enjoy this video interpretation of an excerpt from The Life of Jesus by Andrea Tornielli, and imagine what it would have been like for Mary to meet Jesus as he walked toward his Crucifixion.

This is the final post for this year’s Lenten read-along. Share your thoughts about this week’s reading in the comments below. And post your thoughts, favorite quotes, or reactions with #lentreadalong on social media.


  1. I am grateful for the needed reflections during Lent and the painful holy week of Easter. It is difficult to remain indifferent to God’s will and the sacrifices made for our salvation. I accept his mercy and the love shown. Our dear mother, Mary, was the bravest of them all. Her unconditional love is what our mothers provide.

  2. Amen, I say. Am not worthy of Jesus’ forgiveness but do acknowledge and accept his sacrifice and everlasting love for mankind, whom he forgives forever and again. Thank you, Jesus, for not giving up on sinners, for always turning the other cheek even though we are not worthy.

  3. The Jesuit perspective is so in line with my beliefs and faith…
    Keep me on your lists for spiritual
    information please

  4. Beautiful reflection. I am suffering watching my adult son suffer from anger about things that don’t really matter and he won’t get help. I am afraid to approach him.

  5. What a beautiful video & picture. So inspirational. THank you! Holy Week is my favorite time of the church year, all the special days & Holy Week services. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of these inspirational videos, reflections you provide for us. I love in this video how you have Jesus calling Mary, “momma”!

    J. Roberts

  6. Very beautiful: just a glimpse of his mother must have meant such a lot to Jesus. But to have her touch Him – how wonderful!
    Thanks for the reflections – all of them.

  7. ALL comments relevent. I would have v been on the ground ; weeeping . how strong she was . what an exmale to all Mothers. Sorry about the spelling. ALL things come to an end for me .age & having lots of problems with my faith. In need of lots of help . still praying ;cifferently; lots of abilities going. GOD BLESS. Meg

  8. I can only imagine how Mary must have felt seeing her Son in so much pain and suffering . All his suffering was for us/me and I can only say, thank you Jesus, I love you.

  9. I loved this reflection. I can’t imagine Mary’s pain at seeing what her son was going through. Yet she stayed with him all the way to his death.

  10. I’m so appreciative of having these reflective ‘meditations’ … from Ignatian Spirituality :they reconnect me to the core of the liturgical ‘celebrations’ … of my Lord’s giving up His life for us /me !

  11. When Mary met Jesus on His way to the cross, no words needed to be said, their mutually compassionate looks said it all. “Silence is God’s first language”.


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