Into Me You See

eye closeup - photo by Daniil Kuželev on UnsplashThis post is by Fiona Basile, author of Shhh…God Is in the Silence, as she begins An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.

As I make my way through the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises, I am reminded of who I am in the eyes of God—my core identity: that I am God’s beloved daughter, his precious child. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! God delights in me and loves me. This is my inherent dignity. I repeat these words over and over, to allow their meaning to sink in. I am filled with awe and wonder, and I find myself saying it again: God loves me!

Contemplating these words is a beautiful thing, and it reminds me of the love and joy I feel whenever I see my nephews. As I approach their house, I see the boys at the front door, and without thinking, my arms spontaneously fly open. Once in my embrace I lavish them with affection and say, “I love you!”

And so it is with God. But not only does God love me, he is also inviting me into a deeper and long-lasting intimacy. The Oxford Dictionary defines intimacy (noun) as “close familiarity or friendship,” for example, “the intimacy between a husband and wife.” I like this definition. I want to be closer to God, to speak with him as I would a friend.

However, there is another meaning, which speaks deeply to my heart. It was shared by a priest many years ago in a homily and stayed with me. He said, “Intimacy could also be said like this: into me you see.” Say it out loud. Intimacy: into me you see.

This week I have contemplated deeply how God, the amazing Creator of all things, knows me and sees me, the real me, as I am—in all of my glory and misery, my light and darkness, those parts of me that bring forth life and those that do not. God knows my heart and soul, my thoughts and desires. There is no hiding. And yet, he loves me.

This is not to say that there are not parts of me that need improvement, and that there is not a daily battle with temptation and sin. But it is to say, God sees me, in all of my humanity, and what he sees is inherently good. And for this, I give thanks.

Just as God embraces me, I can stand before his loving gaze with my arms and hands open and say: Here I am. There is a lot of work to be done, but it is together with you, secure in your love, that I want to take this journey. Take my hand, and lead me.

Photo by Daniil Kuželev on Unsplash.

Fiona Basile
Fiona Basile
Fiona Basile has been a writer and photographer in one guise or another for the past 18 years. She works full time as a freelancer, based in Melbourne, Australia. She is the author of Shhh...God Is in the Silence, which is the fruit of a 30-day silent retreat in which Fiona participated in 2015. ​


  1. I remember coming from the adoration chapel and suddenly realizing that I am a child of God. The feeling was so uplifting!

    Into me God sees the laughter and the tears which permeate my day and yet He is still there gazing at me like a loving Mom ready with her smile, or like a faithful Dad ready to wipe away a tear or two.

    Let us be glad that we are His child, that He lovingly gazes at us each time we go to Him for comfort, that into Him he sees.

  2. Thank you; I love the positive affirmation statement at the beginning. I plan to say this 10x in the mornings. “Our inherent dignity”!

  3. And it provides a suggestion for me to take the necessary time to achieve intimacy with others in my life – the ability see the core identity of co-workers and friends takes time to contemplate each of them.

  4. Thank you for this insight. That God sees “into me” yet loves me brings me peace and joy. Thank you and thank you Holy Spirit for leading me to your message.

    • Hi JoAnn, yes it’s amazing that God sees into each one us, the deepest part of us, and loves us. A friend called me the other day to suggest that there isn’t even a “yet”. God loves us. My heart fills with gratitude, joy and peace.

  5. What a wonderful reminder as we enter into this season of Easter! “I am reminded of who I am in the eyes of God—my core identity”
    Great Words!

    • Hi Sunar, yes, it does have a beautiful rhythm to it, doesn’t it. “Intimacy: into me you see”. I’ll have to ask my friend (the priest) who spoke these words, where he received the inspiration from!

  6. Thanks for reminding us of God’s love for us and how we should respond to His love given to us always.

    • You’re welcome, Gerry! They’re great words, aren’t they. It’s my friend, a local priest who spoke these words during a homily some years back, who I must give credit to! They certainly inspired me and stayed with me!


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