HomeSt. Ignatius LoyolaIgnatius Found God Everywhere

Ignatius Found God Everywhere

St. Ignatius Loyola at deskAt the heart of what can seem like frenetic activity was an intimate relationship with God, which Ignatius often found difficult to put into words. His private journals show minuscule notations crowded beside his entries for daily Mass. As scholars have concluded, these indicate, among other things, those times when he wept during Mass, overwhelmed by love for God. Ignatius found God everywhere: in the poor, in prayer, in the Mass, in his fellow Jesuits, in his work, and, most touchingly, on a balcony of the Jesuit house in Rome, where he loved to gaze up silently at the stars at night. During these times he would shed tears in wonder and adoration. His emotional responses to the presence of God in his life gives the lie to the stereotype of the cold saint.

Ignatius was a mystic who loved God with an intensity rare even for saints. He wasn’t a renowned scholar like Augustine or Aquinas, not a martyr like Peter or Paul, not a great writer like Teresa or Benedict, and perhaps not a beloved personality like Francis or Therese. But he loved God and loved the world, and those two things he did quite well.

James Martin, SJ

My Life with the Saints


  1. I was privileged to see Ignatius’ Roman residence this past February, and while looking at his shoes, his vestments, his desk and the altar at which he offered Mass, I felt his presence. How impressive this diminutive man was in his love of God, his faith and his willingness to seek God in all things…and truth be told, Ignatius was NEVER disappointed.

  2. Finding God in all things makes the difference. Now, i can feel him whenever and whatever changes the world inclines; in the nature that surrounds, from the rising to the sitting of the sun. Thanks you iggy.

  3. Dear James
    Thank you for this timely reminder of Ignatius. When I was drawn to Ignatius Spirituality because of of seeing God in all things. I realized that there is a place for me to able love God and the world as Ignatius did.
    May Our Lady of the Way be your guide and strength throughout 2013.


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