HomePeopleHow Well Do You Know Pope Francis?

How Well Do You Know Pope Francis?

Pope Francis quizFive years ago, Pope Francis was elected to lead the Catholic Church. In that time, how much have you learned about the first Jesuit Pope? Loyola Press challenges you to take a fun, 10-question quiz: How Well Do You Know Pope Francis?The quiz is part of a collection of resources to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’s election in March. Before you take the quiz, you might brush up on a few facts about the Pope with the infographic below. The infographic can be downloaded as a PDF here.

Pope Francis Fifth Anniversary Infographic

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  1. I love the book on “Dear Pope Francis.” I’ve read it with my grandchildren and it sparked some really deep and amazing conversations. You’d be surprised by what kids think! I highly recommend this book as a gift for anyone with children. My nine-year-old granddaughter really got into it.

  2. Nice resources about Pope Francis. It’s amazing to think it has been five years since he was elected and then refused the special transportation in favor of taking a bus with the rest of his brothers back to the hotel. I learned from the quiz, too–did not know what he normally carries in his pocket, but now I do.

  3. I haven’t completed the quiz yet. But I will. I remember very well when Jorge Bergoglio (hope that’s correct) was elected Pope – on the balcony, his humility, his grace and his humour. Those qualities are still there. And his choice of name, Francis, showed respect and homage to a beloved Saint. How much I am learning!

  4. I really enjoyed taking the Pope Francis quiz this morning! Even though I’ve done a fair amount of reading about him, I still missed a few answers, and learned some things from the quiz’s explanations. I thought that the last question with the quotes was the best!
    I also was impressed by the Pope Francis mini-posters. They’re gorgeous, and inspirational! I’m going to forward this post to a couple friends who work with grade school children. I’m thinking that the mini-posters would look great on the walls of their classrooms!
    Thank you, Loyola Press, for providing these resources!

  5. These are wonderful resources that show what an enlivening influence Pope Francis has had on the Church over the last 5 years. Let’s continue to celebrate that – and realize that he, too, is human – and has not been shy about admitting it! These will be great to share with kids AND adults. I loved the quiz (even though I missed a couple answers.) I have several of the books and have really enjoyed them. Those prayer cards will be perfect, especially for children. Thanks, Loyola Press for helping us celebrate the positive!

  6. Thanks for this post and resources! The prayer cards are wonderful! So many of Pope Francis’ quotes plant seeds deep within of hope, of action, of faith. His words are so inspiring. I can’t believe its been five years already! I can remember like yesterday watching on television as the white smoke signalled the new pope, shortly afterward he came out and prayed with the people. It was like the world all paused and prayed together in that moment. Thank you for all the wonderful resources you continue to provide us on this site to keep us close to our Pope as we learn from him and journey with him.

  7. This is an interesting, important conversation. What I hear in Bette’s comments is not scorn, but bewilderment and pain, which many in the church seem to share. I think the very fact that Francis has been so amazing in other areas makes it all the more difficult for people to understand his lukewarm approach on abuse. One wonders why he has not applied the same type of reform to the abuse crisis that he applied to attacking corruption and self-aggrandizement, among other issues, within the church. Had he but announced a zero tolerance position on abuse shortly after assuming office, he would have been a hero. No doubt, he knows things that we don’t, but in the absence of clear action, an explanation of the complexities that prevent this approach is needed to restore faith. The absence of either has left many, many Catholics — whether directly or indirectly victims of abuse or not — sad, disappointed, and doubtful of their ability to trust the church and its leaders as an institution, thereby extending the evil and harm of the abuse even further. While this was not the intended direction contemplated by this meditation, the fact that it elicited this conversation also speaks to the extent to which Francis’s handling of this issue sadly even undermines his own effectiveness. I think all of us pray for a resolution of this issue that results in healing and restores our collective confidence in Francis and the church.

  8. Pope Francis is the BEST “thing” person that has happened to the world since St. John XXIII. It amazes me that at the least diversion he is scorned beyond belief; let’s wait for the visitation to Chile.

    • Yes, so far Pope Francis has been the best influence ever! I disagree, however, with the assessment that this incident falls into the “least diversion” category. I live in a US parish where an abuser priest caused so much grief, not only to parishioners, but to our beloved pastor, who also suffered greatly from the fallout. I too, am waiting for the visitation, and fervently praying that accurate facts will be revealed and I, along with many other people who love our Holy Father, can breathe a sigh of relief.

  9. Pope Francis’ response to the abuse victims in Chile has left me confused and heart broken. He has restored so much joy to our Church in the past five years. His tone deaf response is devastating to me. I’m having trouble celebrating this anniversary.


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