- Put on as background music, A Chipmunk Christmas.
- Put out a plate of cookies in the middle of the day.
- Make up at least one gag gift.
- Invite dogs and cats into the gift-wrapping process.
- Invite toddlers into the gift-wrapping process.
- Go for a drive at night and look at Christmas lights.
- Keep a pot of apple cider simmering, all day long.
- Let the six-year-old help decorate—cookies, the tree, the packages.
- Take the crankiest child on a little excursion, just the two of you, and ask for help picking out a present or ornament or book.
- Dance around the house to “Jingle Bell Rock” and other oldies.
- Go to the skating rink.
- Help a neighbor put up lights or shovel snow.
- Take Christmas cards, ornaments, or goodies to senior citizens you know.
- Choose one day to sleep late and follow absolutely no agenda.
- Make a date with a good friend (that may be your significant other)—just the two of you to have coffee or window shop or walk in the forest preserve.
- Watch at least three Christmas movies.
How do you have fun during this season? Share your insights in the comments section.