HomeSpiritualityHow Much Do You Know About Ignatian Spirituality? Quiz

How Much Do You Know About Ignatian Spirituality? Quiz

How Much Do You Know About Ignatian Spirituality? QuizAre you a beginner or an expert in Ignatian spirituality? Take our fun, 12-question quiz to test your knowledge of St. Ignatius Loyola and the spirituality he inspired. Share your results in the comments.


  1. I am teacher at St Ignatius Elementary School. I got 11 right and 1 wrong. I missed the last question. My students would ask me to slow down. “Don’t be in such a hurry to finish!”

  2. Whoops – 2 wrong. But I laughed when I saw that 10 right (including the movie question – I’m ashamed that I knew the correct answer to that one) earns me the designation “Ignatian Expert”. Not by a long shot. But just recently Suscipe has been infecting my prayer life and for that I thank St. Ignatius, and for this diverting quiz I thank the author – it was fun, and gave me at least two clues about what I DON’T know and so must learn more about. (praise me gains nothing, chastise me and I gain another chance to grow). A.M.D.G.

  3. Thanks for the little quiz
    Yes, my knowledge of the Ignatian way has increased as has my gratitude
    Thanks to all of the contributors and participants for a summer retreat I has been fortifying providing spiritual provender for this hungry soul and the living water is truly refreshing
    Yes, a grateful and contrite heart has been fertile soil for the opening up to the grace of our Lord to greater discernment. keener observation, and acceptance of that grace which truly heals and amends our life
    Thanks to the whole organizing team for a wonderful experience and most of all to be able to say: thanks be to God

  4. I recently heard about Ignatian spirituality by a priest in the philippines who got invited during our monthly tertiary recollection. Instead of his topic on carmelite spirituality, he talked about st Ignatius. It was only then that I knew about St Ignatius and today being his feast

  5. Thank you -I treasure the blend of Ignatian & Francisan spirituality. Finding God in All things-in all creation is truly the call for all. I was delighted to have 10 of 12 correct– always more to discover. . .MaryAnn

  6. 8 out of 12 – Ignatian friend – I will continue on my Ignatian spirituality journey.

    Today, July 31, my husband and I are celebrating our 49th wedding anniversary.
    I chose this date precisely because it is the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola. I am Jesuit educated having gone to a Jesuit law
    school. My husband and I were married in a Jesuit run parish and were married by a Jesuit priest from my law school.
    My husband and I thank God for the past 49 years. We have been blessed with 2 children and 3 grandchildren who bring us endless joy. We thank God for each day of our lives.

  7. I enjoyed the quiz and had fun. There’s a lot of room for improvement and I’ll make sure of it. Thanks.

  8. I just made the Thirty Day Spiritual Exercises at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos CA—a life changer! So inspiring to be with 17 others from all walks of life as my companions. Learning to ask God for particular graces at the beginning of each prayer period was enlightening.

  9. 5 correct so I need to learn more about this Saint. My friend goes to this church in Bedford so thought to try this test. So nice to know I have so much to learn about our faith. We never stop learning. I grew up in St. Mary’s Polish church and felt more inclined to Franciscan way of prayer. I will have to study more about this great saint.


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