HomedotMagisExamenHis Life Was Good but His Thinking Was Bad

His Life Was Good but His Thinking Was Bad

One of my favorite characters in fiction is Konstantin Dmitrich Levin in Leo Tolstoy’s great novel Anna Karenina. Levin is an intelligent young aristocrat with a powerful conscience and a strong thirst for truth. He abandons the Orthodox Christianity of his childhood and seeks an answer to the meaning of life. He finds none. For himself (and everyone else) he foresees only “suffering, death, and eternal oblivion.” His intellectual despair deepens so badly that he hides ropes and guns, fearing that he will take his own life.

One day a peasant tells him about a friend, “He’s an upright old man. He lives for the soul.  He remembers God.” The words strike Levin powerfully and cause a rethinking. He perceives a vast difference between his thinking and his life. His thinking was a tormented search for ideas that might give meaning to his existence. Meanwhile he has fallen in love and married a woman who loves him very much. He actively manages a large estate. He’s responsible for the well-being of his brother, sister, and an extended family. His son is born. He is busy with a wide circle of friends. He takes on civic responsibilities.

How ironic, Levin says. He thinks that life is meaningless, but the life that he actually lives is busy, productive, and satisfying. What did this mean? he asks. “It meant that his life was good, but his thinking was bad.” His reasoning tells him that life is a pitiless struggle for survival that rewards selfishness and power. But he doesn’t really believe that, and he certainly doesn’t live that way. In his everyday life he lives for an ideal of the good. Like the peasant’s friend, “he lives for the soul. He remembers God.”

Levin may be just a character in a novel (though I’m told that he’s a lot like Tolstoy), but I love him because his story shows how God can be found when we look at life as we actually live it. This is something Ignatius taught us how to do in the daily Examen. I rely on it. It’s hard for me to think my way to God. It’s much better to pay attention to how I really live.

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Jim Manney
Jim Manneyhttps://www.jimmanneybooks.com/
Jim Manney is the author of highly praised popular books on Ignatian spirituality, including A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (about the Daily Examen) and God Finds Us (about the Spiritual Exercises). He is the compiler/editor of An Ignatian Book of Days. His latest book is What Matters Most and Why. He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


  1. This is an excellent point. Too many in the world do not look at one’s journey in life as proof of the direction their leadership skills would take people. I don’t understand this. They listen to only words filled with empty promises because it ‘tickles their ears.’ How can we instill in others that a virtuous life brings more success and happiness for everyone? Our actions speak loudly at times.

  2. Yes, God works in mysterious ways, in my recent readings of Ignatius, what has struck me is the spiritual labour needed for the ability to discern what God is saying to us and what is evil. When we can converse with God then our life is full.
    Loved the Story and message thanks!

  3. Hmm. Right what I needed to hear. Yes a person could look at their life as mundane especially when there are no burning bushes, no figurative widows to rescue or poor to feed as we go about our daily routine.
    Or do we.
    Thank you for this affirmation at exactly the right moment in my own seemingly mundane.


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