HomeSomething to Think AboutGrace Requires Effort

Grace Requires Effort

Something to think about | The infinite vistas of the Kingdom of God that open up before man are not presented as ways for man to escape his lot, but rather they represent  new dimensions for human life and new opportunities for the exercise of duty. The divine grace which Christ promises to those who have become discouraged is not intended to be a prop or a crutch to help them escape from their essential duties; rather, this grace is offered in order to inspire a greater effort. What grace gives is very real, but what it requires is first of all effort. All this is part of the divine paradox.

Yves de Montcheuil, SJ

Three Jesuits Speak


  1. Thanks, Linda,
    I lack motivation all Lent this year, usually I look forward to Lent every year. Lent gets me motivated to get back into action and regular prayer.
    This year I am spiritually dead lack motivation on every level. I just don’t have the motivation to pray and meditate or to get into action.
    Now I see motivation follows action. I just want it to be the other way round. With only 2 weeks left I am so impatient with myself.
    I read all yor shares listen to the video every week, still waiting for the miracle to happen.
    Grace Requires Effort. What a challenge this week. !!
    Thanks to everyone who shares experience, strength and hope.

    • I know. I limped through it like we all limp through February and March over here until finally, thank God, winter’s clutches finally slip away. Nobody wants to look out the window. Nobody wants to do anything. It’s not depression, it’s fed-up-ness. We all wait for a miracle.
      I grumped to the Lord the other night that I cannot seem to get my novel rewritten while at the same time asking him for patience but hurry with that.
      Meantime spring has been going on for a month (but we call it end of winter) and the writing is going on too (but I call it taking too long).
      The other night after I actually forgot to procrastinate over my novel (and put the winter clothes away), I realized it doesn’t matter when we stand before our Judge whether we did this or that, what matters is how we loved God and others.
      Miracles happen every time we JUST DO IT, like Marg says. Miracles are for example when change goes on and we aren’t paying attention. We always see God in hindsight.


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