HomeIgnatian PrayerGod’s To-Do List for Me

God’s To-Do List for Me

to-do list - weekly planner - photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash

This story is inspired by Luke 10:38–42.

Jesus comes into my kitchen. “How can I help you with the meal, Martha?” he asks kindly, coming over to where we stand. He places a hand on her forearm.

“Jesus, I feel burdened by my to-do list,” she says, still chopping vegetables. “Some days are harder than others. When you arrive with your friends, I want everything to be just perfect.”

“I don’t need you to be perfect! And I don’t expect a perfect feast when we visit, either. You always do a great job.”

By now Jesus has picked up a knife, and he’s helping slice the vegetables stacked next to his busy friend. “Let me see your list,” he says.

I watch Martha in this meditation, yet I become her, too, as I push to Jesus the small notebook where I log and check off each item I need to complete today.

I imagine that my sister Mary comes in now. She also picks up a knife and gets to work, and I think about all the people who help me when my list is too long.

Meanwhile Jesus scans what I’ve written:

  1. Meet a deadline.
  2. Schedule a meeting.
  3. Revise the budget.
  4. Reschedule another meeting.
  5. Resolve a bank issue.
  6. Answer e-mail.
  7. Get paper products/groceries.

Jesus asks if I mind if he turns to a blank page. He stops chopping and waits for my answer.

“My to-do list seems interrupted a thousand times,” I explain. “What I hoped to accomplish becomes impossible.”

“I’d like to give you a new task list,” Jesus says, and when I nod, he picks up a pencil. He writes for a moment and then turns the notebook around so I can read it.

At the top he has written my name. Is it really OK to trade my list for his? It says:

  1. Love God.
  2. Love myself.
  3. Love others.
  4. Love when it is easy.
  5. Love when it is difficult.
  6. Love at all times.

I sigh. “Jesus, really?”

Mary is now hard at work cooking the vegetables.

He laughs. “Measure every item on your list against my one command to you: love. If it doesn’t fit in there, then ask yourself why you are doing it, if it’s worth getting upset or sick over, or if you need to let it go. Can something on your to-do list wait until tomorrow?”

I wonder if I really will have enough time for my list if I trade mine for his. The aroma of vegetable stew is filling the kitchen, and memories of how God has seen me through busy days accompany the sounds of the sizzling meal. God is showing me a way to interior freedom.

“Jesus, help me remember that this to-do list is enough!” I say as I see the Apostles come through the door and begin helping with plates, cups, bread, and other sides. It’s getting noisy in the kitchen, but I am at peace. I’m learning that Jesus’ list is the most important one. He smiles, and I return the grin.

God’s task list is an easy yoke and a light burden: love.

Somehow while we talk and laugh, the meal is completed, and in half the time. Jesus takes Martha’s and my hands in his and leads us to the large table, where he invites us to sit down. Mary is already seated. And Jesus serves us the delightful meal. It tastes wonderful.

Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash.

Loretta Pehanich
Loretta Pehanich
Loretta Pehanich is a Catholic freelance writer and the author of Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends, 2022: A Book of Grace-Filled Days, Women in Conversation: Stand Up!, and Fleeting Moments: Praying When You Are Too Busy. A spiritual director since 2012, Loretta is trained in giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Her involvement in ministry and parish life includes 20 years in small faith-sharing groups and Christian Life Community. Loretta gives retreats and presentations on prayer and women’s spirituality and is commissioned as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist. She and her husband Steve have four children and 11 grandchildren.


  1. Thank you. I had a difficult day at work and with my son after work. He is trying so hard to regain my trust. But when he slipped back to an old friend who isn’t really a friend at all.
    I lost my temper and threw the past back in his face.
    Then I became nervous and upset. He fixed me a cup of tea and I sat down and read your articles and peace washed over me.
    Thank you and Peace be with you.

  2. As a teacher getting ready for a new school year and a to-do list a mile long, I really am grateful for your sharing. When reminded that love is my no.1 priority and all else will falls into place, I feel tension leaving my body. All will be well. Then I am able to get back to my true self and who I am in Christ. I am deeply loved and called to love deeply.

  3. Peace ms loretta. It was so inspiring realizing that Jesus is not interested what i can accomplished but rather he is interested in how i can love even more. I am also a member of clc here in the Philippines. God bless you

  4. Thank you! This reflection really helps drive home the importance of growing in love and seeing with the eyes of Jesus what is really important in my life. Blessings!

  5. I’ll say a prayer for you, Jeanne. I hope God sends lots of helping hands into your kitchen and life, so that you can sit and spend time with Jesus.

  6. Loretta, when there is a meditation that draws me deeply into faith issues as a woman, I know that it will be written by you. Thank you for your beautiful Ignatian imagination which draws me so deeply into a story.

  7. This could not be more timely for me. I have been in an absolute state of frenzy these last few days before my husband has a major surgery and will be fairly incapacitated for about two months with me as caretaker. It is a bit daunting and my list of things that need to get done prior to his hospitalization keeps growing. After reading your wonderful reflection I have resolved to take a deep breath and focus on what needs to be done for his recovery. The rest of the “stuff” will happen eventually…or not, which will mean it’s not that important!

    • Jeanne, you and your husband are on my prayer list. May there be healing and help during these weeks and into the future. Faced with almost similar challenges, I found comfort in doing the Examine, or repeating a simple prayer such as, “Jesus be my strength.” to be most helpful. Blessings!


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon