Where have you experienced God in the ordinary moments of life? William A. Barry, SJ, explored that question in his book, Experiencing God in the Ordinary.
To encourage people to think about finding God in all things, some less-than-obvious, Loyola Press created a God in the Ordinary Bingo game inspired by Barry’s book. It’s available for free download by filling out the form within this post.
Play the game with rules similar to Human Bingo. Participants get a card and need to find people willing to share an experience that fits each square, thus fostering faith conversations. There are multiple cards for in-person groups to use. The game can be adapted to online use with the aid of a bingo website or by sharing the cards in any online meeting tool with the share screen feature.
Looking for a different kind of Lent retreat? April 4–6, 2025, Br. Guy Consolmagno, SJ, Director of the Vatican Observatory and the President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, will lead a retreat titled, “A Jesuit Guide to the Stars.” Explore the connection between spirituality and astronomy with the author of the new book, A Jesuit’s Guide to the Stars: Exploring Wonder, Beauty, and Science.
Thanks. It’s a good God Game.