HomeIgnatian PrayerFor Lent, Try An Ignatian Prayer Adventure (Online Retreat)

For Lent, Try An Ignatian Prayer Adventure (Online Retreat)

An Ignatian Prayer AdventureWhat are you doing for Lent? Am I the first to ask?  Ash Wednesday is only two weeks from today–a date I’ve been keenly aware of because I’ve been very busy lately putting together our Ignatian Prayer Adventure.  This is an eight-week online retreat that can be completed during Lent and Easter. It’s a version of the Spiritual Exercises.  We’re using materials from The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O’Brien, SJ.

The retreat actually begins on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday–February 19.  It will continue through Lent, concluding the week after Easter.  Eight weeks in all.

We’ve designed a retreat that you can adapt to your needs and circumstances. You can pray it every day–as much as 30-40 minutes if you have the time, or less if need be.  The Prayer Adventure is full of scripture readings, meditations, reflections, and prayers that you can use however you wish.  It follows the general arc of the Spiritual Exercises.  If you stick with it throughout the Lent-Easter season, you will experience many of the graces of Ignatius’s great retreat.

I’ll join fellow Loyola Press bloggers Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, and Vinita Hampton Wright in offering weekly reflections on An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. We’ll be doing this on our blogs, so you should be sure to subscribe to them: dotMagis (link in sidebar), Days of Deepening Friendship, and People for Others (blog retired).

I’ll have more to say about the retreat in the coming weeks.

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Jim Manney
Jim Manneyhttps://www.jimmanneybooks.com/
Jim Manney is the author of highly praised popular books on Ignatian spirituality, including A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (about the Daily Examen) and God Finds Us (about the Spiritual Exercises). He is the compiler/editor of An Ignatian Book of Days. His latest book is What Matters Most and Why. He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


  1. Dear Father, I am sick at the present time and sequestered to home for now instead of work. I am very much grateful and interested in making your Ignatian online retreat this Lent. However, I need to know if there is a charge for this retreat since I am low on funds. Can you please respond ASAP? Very grateful and hopeful. Sister Mary Lou, CSFN

    • I’m a morning person although I slept in till 5 this morning and my coffee is at this moment bubbling joy into the carafe). I’m not so strong when I have to work my job two evenings a week, believe me. Talk about Jekyll and Hyde. I usually stagger off my desk at 8 on those paltry two evenings and end up falling asleep on the couch halfway through my Examen.


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