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Finding God in Church Events

Baptism - picturinggod.ignatianspirituality.comAt the start of each week, we invite our Ignatian Spirituality Facebook community to share where they have found God in the last few days. This weekend brought some wonderful responses that focused on encountering God in church events of all Christian denominations.

I am a pianist and organist at a local Presbyterian church. The choir is out for the summer, but the director and I do solo anthems for special music during the service. Our music touched many people today and you could just feel the energy and God’s presence. The pastor’s wife had just gotten news that her mother passed away this morning, so it was wonderful to be an instrument of the Lord and feel Him work through our music ministry to help those who needed healing today.

—Karen Considine

I found Him in the Sacrament of Confession. Something that was weighing on my heart was taken away and I felt a great sense of peace and grace.

—Nancy Ransing Marlin

Visiting a tiny Gothic Revival church in Port Townsend, Washington, 150 years old. Came away with that peace of God that passeth understanding…and a very large home-grown cucumber from a parishioner, and a little clay bird to remember my visit by. Thank you, St. Paul’s Episcopal.

—Anne Wehrly

I saw God at our Jubilee Service Day as 3,000 folks from over 40 churches helped Bellevue School District get their classrooms ready for the first day of school.

—Mike Standard

At a family wedding in a little old church in Italy.

—Una Nunan

Watching my granddaughter’s Baptism. [photo above]

—Steve McCarville

Where have you encountered God this week? Share here or on our Ignatian Spirituality Facebook page.


  1. Not sure if it was God I met but sitting on a boat looking over at the pilgrimage island and its buildings on Lough Derg to do the 3 day Pilgrimage I felt I was coming home. Weird, ‘cos it is a tough pilgrimage.

  2. I met the Lord in a regular visit of the Seedbed website.It took me to the parable of the lost sheep where I experienced a love Father.


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