HomedotMagisReflectionsEaster Comes Late

Easter Comes Late

girl staring out windowSometimes in our lives Easter comes when we are still very much in the desert of Lent. Maybe we have lost a loved one, are living through a personal struggle, or are caring for someone who is ill. Whatever the case, we can find ourselves in the desert much longer than 40 days. In such times, Easter Day becomes but a date on the calendar, and we find ourselves still kneeling at the foot of the Cross rather than joyfully celebrating the empty tomb.

When Easter is slow to come, we must try to take comfort in remembering that throughout Lent we still celebrate the Resurrection each Sunday in Mass. In those rests from our Lenten journey, we are fed with the Word of God and with the Holy Eucharist. The Mass strengthens us and renews us on our journey. Indeed, we can still find strength in the presence of God, even in the desert.

Then in Eastertime, we can be encouraged to take a few more steps through our desert by reflecting on the comforting words of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3–12). A few more steps might still be inspired when we take St. Ignatius’s advice to retreatants in his Rules for the Discernment of Spirits: be patient, stay the course, and remember that God does not abandon us.

Finally, remember that many saints have found themselves in similar situations. I offer you these quotes to inspire you on your continued journey:

  • “Whatsoever happens, never let go; hold steadfastly to God, in peace, trusting his everlasting love for you.” —St. Francis de Sales
  • “Dear brothers and sisters who experience suffering in a particular way, you are called to a special mission in the new evangelization.” —St. John Paul II
  • “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” —St. Francis of Assisi
  • “We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials.” —St. Teresa of Ávila

Easter will come, always on God’s time. God bless you.

Cara Callbeck
Cara Callbeck
Cara Callbeck holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and works in the public sector as a human resources professional. Cara recently completed the Spiritual Exercises and has since felt quite drawn to Ignatian spirituality. She is now on a quest to learn more and grow and to incorporate Ignatian spirituality in her life as a professional, mother, and “woman for others.” Cara lives in the Canadian Prairies with the two greatest blessings in her life—her husband and daughter.


  1. Like Liti.
    I also care for my sick husband. I think he also cates for me. The lonliest times are when he is unable to attend mass with me. One can feel that life is like a constant good Friday.It is indeed hard to ser those we love suffer and diminish. He has just turned sixty. The thing that humbles me is his faith and acceptance! Many thanks for posting it is good to know we ate not alone. Love ❤ Norah

  2. I am a caregiver for my 88 year old Mom. I love her very much but it’s hard to see her decline. I love Holy Week and went to a beautiful Holy Thursday device. And then the stations of the Cross on Good Friday. She dosnt come to these. She didn’t want to go out much. I was with her Easter Sunday but didn’t get to Mass. I feel what you wrote in your article. I have to focus on the Ressurection every day. Thanks for writing that, it made me feel less alone.

  3. The Beatitudes are not easily understood, and perhaps that’s where our faith, as fragile as it may be, steps in. Thanks for these comforting words, Cara. The quote from St. Francis de Sales resonated for me today.

  4. I so needed this; I spent the last few weeks suffering physical illness that had me in the ER Easter morning. I had to look deeply into my situation to find God in the moment. My healers and family were my comfort at a time I indeed felt abandoned. I will be patient and not lose faith.


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