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Finding God at the Airport

I love to travel. If I had a job that paid for me to fly all the time, I’d love it. I love the...

Wandering Prayer

When was the last time you got distracted in prayer? It happens to me all the time. A moment of contemplative silence is shattered by...

The Particular Examen and a Desire to Grow in Presence at Home

Early one Sunday morning, as my boys and I made our way to Mass, they were having a heated discussion about the upkeep of...

Play and Personality

It’s a bit odd for me to be writing about how to play, because I’ve never been very good at it—or, at least, for...

A Thin Place at the Library

It was a glorious fall afternoon, the kind where the leaves cling to their beauty and the air whispers that change is on the...

Spiritual Direction on a Retreat: An Interview with Carol Ann Munro

For those new to the experience of speaking to a spiritual director in the context of an Ignatian retreat, Carol Ann Munro shares about...

Calls to Prayer

Every day at 9:20 a.m. an alarm calls me to prayer. This daily pause is a birthday gift to my sister, who is a...

Examen Variations Booklet

In honor of the 15th anniversary of IgnatianSpirituality.com, we’re celebrating with 15 Gifts to Celebrate 15 Years! Read the details here. Gift 9 is...

Spiritual Direction on a Retreat: An Interview with Deacon Gerald Nora

For those new to the experience of speaking to a spiritual director in the context of an Ignatian retreat, Deacon Gerald Nora shares about...

Musing on Finding God in All Things

Three of us set sail toward the Chesapeake Bay on a friend’s sloop. The sun dances and glistens on the water as we savor...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon