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Beholding the Moment

I’m reading through essays that my students have submitted in response to the assignment to spend one hour in nature, undisturbed by phones or...

A Quiet Miracle

“May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.” —John O’Donohue I recently began the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises...

Autumn Panic

I was a city kid until I moved to rural Vermont in 1979, where even now there are more trees than people. The northeast...

Friendship and Harmony with God

God, who is Love itself, creates a universe that is good from its beginning (because God is good). Over time, human beings in the...

A Discipline of Noticing

There are lines from a poem by Ted Kooser to his mother that I think about often. In the poem, simply called “Mother,” Kooser...

Seven Ignatian Tips for Moving Forward in Uncertain Times

I just feel unsettled. I’m undecided. I don’t know what to do. I keep hearing the same sentiments from friends, and I get it. We were...

An Experiment in Praydreaming

Last week, I introduced the concept of praydreaming: allowing yourself to daydream prayerfully. Today, I’m suggesting an exercise in praydreaming. Use it as is...

Doing Dishes with Our Father

The Scripture verses included in the following imaginative contemplation are not exact translations but rather an invitation to readers to look up the texts...

Recognizing God

Fewer words make space for quiet listening. Some people pray through meditation, some say memorized prayers, some absorb the wonder of creation and see...

Imagination and Praydreaming

May we all grow in our creativity as we move from summer to autumn. May we exercise our imaginations in new ways. Here’s one...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon