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Advent as a Time to Get Unstuck: A Webinar with Vinita Hampton Wright

Sometimes in our efforts to move forward in life, we get stuck. We seem to be unable to move from where we are to...

2025: A Book of Grace-Filled Days Giveaway

In honor of the 15th anniversary of IgnatianSpirituality.com, we’re celebrating with 15 Gifts to Celebrate 15 Years! Read the details here. Today we bring...

The Power of Service in Retirement

Ignatian Volunteer Corps members share some of their experiences in a six-minute video. As volunteer Peggy Gessler says, “I enjoy volunteering, but IVC gives...

Taking Anger to Prayer

I read a Facebook post that said, “I am so angry at God today. This is the sixth day in a row I have...

Helping Children See Jesus as a Friend

Ignatian blogger Loretta Pehanich wrote Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends in the hopes that the book will help children...

God Waiting with a Call

“The journey of faith is a gift of a loving God who takes the first step and waits patiently, silently, almost shyly for the...

Pilgrims of Hope

Hope, writes Emily Dickinson, “is the thing with feathers - / That perches in the soul,” by which, I take her to mean, hope...

Freedom in Gliding Like the Birds

I’ve always admired large birds such as eagles and Mississippi Kites. They seem to fly so effortlessly, soaring high or swooping low, in search...

Take This Soul and Make It Sing

A major premise of St. Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises is that we human beings were created by God, who creates good things out of love;...

The Family Cheerleader and God for Us

As a mother, I set the tone for my home. I try to keep the mood upbeat and positive. I am always cheering on...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon