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Pray with Jesuits for Lent

Ash Wednesday was only yesterday, so it's not too late to start a Lenten prayer program.  We suggested several last week.  Here are two...

Spiritual Exercises for the Young

Nathan Stone, SJ, makes a strong case for giving the Spiritual Exercises to young people.  He thinks that veteran spiritual directors are too  cautious...

Weekend Links

A reading list of Jesuit classics. Jesuits are pro-life. Jim Martin, SJ goes into the recording studio. Thinking about Matteo Ricci.

Lent Online

Ash Wednesday is a week from today.  It's time to make some plans about how you will observe the season of Lent. Have you ever...

Prayer Before a Meeting

It's Monday.  Most of us have meetings to go to today or later this week.  Here is a prayer before a meeting.  It's published...

War and Games

Consider this my "overthinking the Super Bowl" post.  (Wait till I get to the Olympics!) First things first: I've always loved sports, and I've always...

Weekend Links

Jeff Johnson, SJ, on Holden Caufield (and his brother Allie). Jake Martin, SJ, on reality TV. Jack Mahoney, SJ, fills in the gaps in the gospels.

Jesuits and Their Lay Partners

Fr. Adolfo Nicolas, SJ, Superior General of the Jesuits, reflects on Jesuit institutions and lay people. This is from a summary of a talk...

God Is Acting

I'm three weeks into a new semester of teaching a course on Ignatian Spirituality at Boston College. It's an absolute delight, both for the...

Friendship with God Video

I'm a big fan of the writing of William Barry, SJ, especially what he has to say about friendship with God. Now he's taken...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon