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Mid-Lent Review

Jack Mahoney, SJ,  suggests we review our Lenten program. But be careful: "What we should avoid is the almost magical or superstitious feeling that...

The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything

Fr. Jim Martin has just published a new book, The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything.  It's an in-depth, witty, and very readable account of...

A Novena of Grace

Today is the traditional beginning of the Novena of Grace in honor of St. Francis Xavier, a nine-day devotion that has been popular for...

Beautiful Purpose

As I gain some distance from my immersion in watching the Winter Olympics, I've been distilling in my mind the lasting impressions.  I've always...

Try Bothering for Lent

This Lent, says Fr. Jim Martin, SJ, take the time to "bother."  He points out that the people who angered Jesus were people like...

The Uses of Repetitive Prayer

Anthony Lusvardi, SJ, thinks that repetitive prayer is often just what we need: While these “formal” prayers are often learned in the most mundane settings—before...

O'Malley on the Spiritual Exercises

John O'Malley, SJ, is the featured speaker in the first of a series of videos on the Spiritual Exercises produced by Georgetown University.  The...

Almsgiving and Joy

A Lenten reflection from Fr. Jim Martin, S.J. Turns out that fasting is about money (at least in part):


Last month America Magazine awarded its 2009 Campion Award to Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury-- a remarkable move, since the award is...

Waiting in the Dark

My sister and her husband, who live in Oregon, had their inaugural bike ride of the season yesterday. She wrote that the sun was...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon