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Just for Laughs

Inspired Catholic hilarity from Stephen Colbert. (H/T to Bert Ghezzi.) The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c<td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'Pope's Baseball Cap...

Prayer Works

The image of Moses waiting patiently upon Mount Sinai to see the "hind parts" of God as the Divine Majesty passed by is a...

A Jesuit Network for the Poor

Here's a great idea: a global web-based "virtual community" of people supporting and working in Jesuit ministries to poor communities.  The idea of Jesuit...

Biker Dad

I was driving to the grocery store the other day when the public radio network offered a story about motorcycle gangs, their initiation rituals,...

A Guided Examen

Every day at 2:05 p.m., students at Strake Jesuit High School in Houston pause and pray an Examen. This is the audio that leads...

Real Presents (Part II)

Moving right along.  Where was I?  The 5:30 PM liturgy on Friday. I had finally settled down in a back pew when an usher's tap...

What I Like about Ignatius

Some readers entering our book contest wrote about how St. Ignatius has inspired them.  Here are some excerpts from these comments.  (Go here to...

Real Presents (Part I)

Just when I'm almost certain that church-the-building is one of the last places I'll encounter God's grace, I receive evidence to the contrary. Being a...

My Day in Purgatory

I took my girls to a place called Purgatory Chasm and had a metaphor experience.  Metaphor experiences are of course those things you do...

On the Move with God

God doesn't move, we do. I've heard this aphorism for years and am currently experiencing this bit of wisdom big time.  God doesn't move,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon