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Using the Examen to Change

Aaron Pidel, SJ, thinks that this observation in a Times article on self-monitoring is right on the mark.  When we try to change we simply...

Spitzer vs. Hawking

The physicist Stephen Hawking has published a new book, The Grand Design, in which he confidently asserts that the universe created itself--no gods required,...

His Life Was Good but His Thinking Was Bad

One of my favorite characters in fiction is Konstantin Dmitrich Levin in Leo Tolstoy's great novel Anna Karenina. Levin is an intelligent young aristocrat with...

A Startling Experiment

Could you live your everyday life in just six pieces of clothing?  It is the question behind a website called "Six Items or...

Contemplative Cooking

Since I no longer believe in coincidence, I'm wondering what God is inviting me to see, not only in the sudden spate of movies...

Friendship and Romance

Fellow blogger Tim Muldoon (see his post on desire below) has written an excellent article about what's needed to help young people form the...

Understanding Desire

With the feast day of Saint Augustine coming up later this week (August 28) I have been thinking about his (likely) influence on Saint...

Attention, Reverence, and Devotion

Something to think about | In what I believe to be the best, most succinct description of how to live a life attuned...

How Ignatius Recovered from Depression

Many people suffer episodes of depression. Ignatius Loyola was one of them, according to Joseph Munitiz, SJ, and we would do well to study...

Contemplating My New Bettas

Over the weekend, I went to Petsmart and brought home a new betta, in part because the betta that survived last month's move from...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon